About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Friday, May 24, 2013

Wyatt's Birthday and Room Makeover

So I'm already late with last Sunday's post but I have very good reasons.  Last Sunday was Wyatt's birthday and I was busy celebrating with my little guy- when we weren't hiding out in the basement because the tornado sirens were going off.  Yikes! It was quite a day and definitely left no time for blogging.

Other than the craziness of the tornado about 10 or so miles south of us, it was a fun birthday for Wyatt.  I have to say, it was a pretty laid back day.  We made him a special breakfast and then took him to play at the park.  He got a Taco Bell burrito for lunch (which he loves) and "spahdeddy" (that's Wyatt for  spaghetti) for dinner.  There was also a cake with a fire truck and fire station on it that was a big hit.

He got tons of gifts and toys and has been busy fighting with his brother over them for the last 5 days or so.  There is a fishing set and a red motorcycle that are at the top of the list.  The biggest excitement for the weekend was his new big boy bed that he got on Saturday.  I think it is safe to say he loved it.

The plan up until that day was to keep them in their own rooms but once Rob got home with the bed, I had the idea that Wyatt might do better with the transition if he and Rex were in the same room.  We talked it over and decided to put both their beds in Rex's room and turn Wyatt's room into a playroom.  We worked hard and got the bedroom mostly set up.  Here is how it is looking by now.

We still have to do something about the red curtains and get some stuff on the walls.  I'm just glad I bought them bedding that actually goes together because when I purchased it, I was not planning on having them in the same room.  But Rex's duvet has almost the same green color that Wyatt's has so it works.  I need to organize the giant bookshelf that is in their room still (and that's why there is no picture of that wall to share!) but I did get the clothes situation all figured out and got everything in this room.  That was not easy but they each ended up with half the closet and two drawers in the dresser.  Thank goodness they still have fairly little clothes!

We were going to start working on the playroom next but after lots of discussions, decided to wait a bit on that until after we hold a yard sale.  There is a lot of stuff in our house that we need to get rid of and the playroom makes an excellent staging area for the next few weeks.  Also, we can use the money from the yard sale to buy a new tv for the family room and move the old tv into the playroom.  Anyhow, we are putting together all our plans for that room now and hopefully will have something to actually show you in about a month or so.


Nanette said...

Looks great!!!

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