About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Quick Recipe Share

I don't have any family news to share and this will be short but I've tried a few recipes that were so good and I just had to share them.  And I'm proud to say a lot of these are things I pinned.  I'm a doer, not just a pinner!  However, I'm not a good food photographer so all the photos below are from the recipe source.

Sunday Night Stew from The Pioneer Woman.  No comments to add, no changes- just deliciousness.

Sunday Night Stew

Southwestern Chopped Chicken Salad from Greens and Chocolate- I added a little milk to the dressing because it had more of a dip consistency as the recipe is written.  I ate it for the lunch the next few days after I originally made it because I couldn't get enough.

Apple Brownies from Allrecipes- I would say this is a cake and not brownies so be prepared for that.  I followed some of the comments from others and added nutmeg, chopped the apples rather than sliced them and added a little cinnamon-sugar mix to the top as soon as I took it out of the oven.  Some people added a streusel-type topping which sounded delicious but I figured it was bad enough for me as is, no need to cover it with that too.

Creamy Au Gratin Potatoes from Allrecipes- I added some ham in between the layers of potatoes to make a main dish out of it and it came out great.  I have a few comments on the recipe.  First, use a sharp cheese and it will taste much better.  Don't use the bagged cheese; make sure you grate your own.  Finally, the recipe starts by making a roux with the butter and flour and it says you only need to whisk them together for one minute.  No way.  I whisked for about 5 minutes before I added the next ingredient and it came out great.  If you only whisked for a minute, it would still have that raw flour taste and probably be pretty grainy.

Massaged Kale Salad from Food Network- I had a kale salad while visiting friends in Portland last year and I thought it was great.  I'd been thinking about it a lot lately and decided to try this recipe.  I loved this but I was the only one.  Rob said, "If I had to eat grass, this is what I would want it to taste like."  It kind of sounds like a compliment, but it totally wasn't.  The boys wouldn't eat it if you offered to buy out a Toys R Us for them.  But if you have a little more open mind than three of them (which wouldn't take much), you will probably like this too.  I had no luck getting a picture of it so you will just have to follow the link to see a picture if you are interested- sorry!

Homemade Applesauce from Cooks.com- No picture this time either but we all know what applesauce looks like, right?  I wouldn't change anything on the recipe, just add that I took a potato masher and smashed them all up when it was done cooking.  I like it with some chunks of apple in it and I don't have a food mill to make it all smooth anyhow so that's what worked for me.  It made a lot and I thought I would need to freeze some of it but I didn't need to after all.  Because we ate it ALL.  In just a few days.  It was so good.


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