About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog- I love to read them. We do try to keep some things private though so please don't use our last name or where we work and live in your comment. Thanks!

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy 300th Post!

Yowza- this makes 300 posts! I really enjoy blogging and using this as a way to keep in touch with all our long-distance family and friends (which is most of the people we know). I hope anyone who is still reading this is enjoying it too!

It was a nice long Memorial Day weekend for us. After the awful week we had with Wyatt being sick, it was so wonderful to finally all have some fun and enjoy life again. There was a lot of shopping (most of it doesn't matter but I got these shoes and I LOVE them!) and working on projects around the house AND we even all went out to dinner on Saturday night. I was wanting to eat food at a Mexican restaurant because I can't even tell you how long it has been since I did that. I asked Rob if we could get take-out sometime soon and he said we should all just go and eat there. I guess I was feeling pretty brave that day so we did. The boys were the opposite of the first, and only other, time we ever all have eaten in a restaurant. Wyatt was a peach and Rex was the challenging one. Since I was on Wyatt duty, I had a great time. I don't think Rob (who was on Rex duty- we play man-to-man defense here) would probably give it such a good review. I also had a tasty glass of sangria to celebrate the end of my nursing duties so that may be why I had such a great time too.

Our projects around the house didn't get finished because we both needed to paint. Rob was working on some window trim and I was working on building my own version of these. I have been coveting these garden trellises from Pottery Barn for a while now and though they did recently go on sale, they are still too pricey for me. I could do one but I really want like 3 or 5 of them and who wants to spend $300+ on these for their yard? And that is without the lights still! So I'm working on creating my own and I'm going to blog all about it once it is done. It has been pretty windy here too so my plans to Round-Up some undesirables in my yard have been put on hold. I was also working some indoors on our office and trying to get it more organized. I would like to do a little scrapbooking again now that the boys are getting to be easier to manage. I can not wait until Wyatt gets to one nap a day and I have a nice block of time everyday when they are both asleep. That will be awesome.

The boys are doing great. Wyatt said his first word today "cra-ka" for his graham crackers. He babbles "mama" and "dada" but that goes without saying that he would say those first. Rex keeps us laughing all the time. Earlier today, he hurt himself doing something and was crying so Rob told him, "It's okay. You're fine." And Rex told him, "Rex not fine. Rex owie." He nearly always talks about himself in the third person. One really fun word he has lately is "hunderflash" for a thunderstorm- he hates the hunderflash but it is so funny to hear him talk about it. He loves to play with Wyatt and make him laugh and even try to soothe him when he is upset. Rex knows all his letters and can now sing the alphabet with them all in the right order too. We were just talking today about how smart he is and then he was jamming his fork in his ear at the dinner table so who knows? Really smart but no common sense apparently.

Sorry for no pictures this time but I'll try to get some this week and definitely some of my trellis project as soon as there is a good day to spray paint!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Wyatt!

Guess who just had his first birthday?

Birthday Photo Shoot

Wyatt did! Wyatt's first birthday was yesterday and we all had a really fun day. Rob and I discussed going out of town for a long weekend but we decided that it might be more trouble than fun with a 1 and 2 year old. We ended up going to Des Moines to do a little birthday shopping at Toys R Us and the Jordan Creek mall in the morning and have lunch there too.

Wyatt, just after lunch.
Birthday Lunch

Yes, we ate lunch at the mall food court. A little lame but a lot easier with the boys than a restaurant is.
Birthday Lunch at the Mall

We wore him out- time to load up and go home.
All Worn Out

We all got some toys and/or clothes so it was a good day for everyone, not just the birthday boy. Apparently we wore both of them out with the excursion- besides sleeping in the car on the way home, they both took giant naps once we got them home. I went out during naptime to pick up Wyatt's cake and take care of dinner. Here are some dinner and cake pictures.

The Family Photo

Blow out the candle!

Eating Birthday Cake

Finally, we ended the night with opening presents and then playing with all the toys he got.

Opening Presents

Best Picture Ever

It was a wonderful day and let me tell you, we all slept a ton last night after such a busy day! Wyatt seemed like he had a good day and I know the rest of us did. Today was the crappy flipside to yesterday though- four shots at the doctor's visit. Yuck. He did okay though. Although we've finally got him eating good, he's still a skinny guy. He's not quite 19 pounds yet. He's kind of a shorty too but I think the weight and length will start to pick up now that he is eating good. He is finally a pretty good sleeper too so we've come a long way in this first year. Wyatt is such an amazing little guy and I love every second with him. We are so lucky to be his parents. Here's to another 99 fantastic birthdays!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mother's Day and More

Last weekend was a great weekend. We had some friends over on Friday night for dinner. We barbecued a tri tip and ate outside because the weather was great. A little cloudy but still pretty close to perfect. Rob uses this rub on tri tip and it is fantastic. I tried making Armenian Rice Pilaf and it came out really good, which was good news since it made a TON. I don't really remember what we did on Saturday but my Mother's Day was so nice and relaxing. Rex woke up super early so Rob got him dressed and took him out to breakfast while Wyatt and I slept in. They brought me back my favorite cinnamon toast bagel- Yum. I went out shopping by myself for a few hours and it was so nice to just get in and out of my car without having to deal with two carseats! I got some new clothes and shoes for my self and got everyone else something too. We ended up eating leftovers for dinner because we'd been cooking a lot lately and didn't feel like or need to cook more food. Here I am with my two boys on Mother's Day.

Mother's Day

In case you were wondering why there aren't many photos of me, that's why. My husband doesn't have the patience to take a bunch of photos or to make sure I am looking my best in the photos he does take. Anyhow, I had a nice relaxing day doing whatever I wanted to do and that is awesome.

Yesterday Rex and I went on a little adventure. Rex always gets so excited when he sees a bus driving around town and yells out "Bus! Bus!" Actually, he says, "Buth! Buth!" because he has a hard time with the letter S. Rob and I talk all the time about taking Rex on the bus and going to the library so he can finally ride a "buth". Rob got home from work a little early yesterday so I grabbed Rex and we headed off to the bus stop. We got on the bus and he was so quiet and wide-eyed the whole time. We sat close to the front on the way there but I was smarter on the way home and we sat in the back which is higher up and he could see a lot better from there. I could tell he was way more excited when he could actually see out the windows and see what was going on. And he had a blast at the library, like he always does, so I think it will go down as Best Day Ever. The library has a lot of toys and a fishtank and then we get to bring more books home with us to read so what's not to love? He was literally jumping up and down as he talked to the librarian because he was just so excited to be there. I tried to take photos with my phone on the bus and at the library but the piece of junk kept telling me "capture failed" so we didn't get any pictures of the trip.

The weather has been really crazy lately. It was kind of cool last weekend, in the 60s, then it got record-setting hot (it was 97 I think) at the beginning of the week and now it's cool and rainy again. Rex loves to be outside so I try to get him out there as much as I can but the weather doesn't always cooperate. Seems like a lot of this week was either too hot or too cold/wet for being outside. Rob and I are talking about putting a playset/swingset in the yard for Rex because he just goes bananas over the ones at the park. He would slide from sunup until sundown if he could. He can't get enough. Rob and Rex are off to Lowe's right now to pick up a lilac bush for our backyard. My plan for this weekend is to get some yardwork done while it is nice and cool out and the ground is easy to work since it's been raining. I have some things that need to go in my big brown trash can and I have some things that need to be relocated to those vacant spots so we can make some room for that playset! Isn't it funny how your opinions on things change once you have kids? Our house is a few blocks from the park and I swore that we would never have "one of those ugly swingsets" in our yard- the kids could just go to the park. But now that I know how much Rex loves it, I think it would be great to have one right in our backyard that he can play on whenever he wants.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Daily Thoughts

The other day I thought, "Jay Mohr- sometimes funny, but sometimes just an idiot." My next thought was, "I think about some weird stuff. It would be kind of funny to start a Twitter account for one day and just record all the random thoughts I have throughout the day." The more I thought about it, I decided it would just be easier to put it all in one blog post instead of opening a one-day Twitter account that no one would know about or follow. So here goes, my thoughts for Tuesday, May 10, 2011. I won't put the boring everyday stuff in like grocery shopping or the kids, just the crazy, off-the-wall stuff I think about too much.

9:07- Is Lady Gaga the new Madonna? Hmm. Madonna's good stuff was probably when she was just born or a toddler. Why is the early music always better? It doesn't seem like people with long careers have as good music later on. Madonna, Michael Jackson... Except U2. They are still rockin'.

9:37- How does Sesame Street get so many good people on their show? Well, if I was famous, I would totally go on Sesame Street. I guess everyone else feels like that too.

1:00- I don't seem to have as many random thoughts as I thought I would. Most of my day seems to be taken up with regular everyday things- mostly trying to keep Rex on track and out of trouble.

1:25- If I went back to school to get my masters degree, it would be cool to tie my thesis into The Wire somehow. It's probably been done already by someone, but I'd like to take a crack at it and see what I could come up with.

3:46- What is up with the whole wedding dress thing? I just flipped past an entire show dedicated to finding one and see girls paying $5000 to $6000 for a dress. That is crazy! That is like $500-$1000 an hour. I mean, seriously, it's just a dress. I got married and I wanted to look beautiful that day and I get it but that's no reason to go crazy. You could feed a lot of people with that kind of money- and still have a lovely dress. I'm glad we have 2 boys so I won't ever have to worry about having a fight over buying a wedding dress.

4:10- Fresh salsa- so much better than the stuff out of a jar.

Well, there were problems with Blogger and it wiped out the last part of this post. It did get all my thoughts I had for the day because once Rob got home, I forgot about this. My experiment made me realize that I don't have as many random thoughts in a day as I would have expected and when I did have them, I couldn't get to a computer fast enough to get them down before they left my head again. It was a fun little experiment though and now I'm thinking about starting a second blog where I can post one of my random thoughts every day. But I don't want it to be contrived so I'm going to think on it for a while and see how I feel about that.
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