About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Time for a Vacation

Rob has been out to California twice this year already which has made me a little homesick.  I think Wyatt is getting better at traveling (especially now with the portable DVD players) so... we're coming to California! Yay!!  We will be out there for a little over a week in October.  I don't have the trip planned much at all yet- I'm still trying to decide on the car seat vs. CARES harness for Wyatt on the airplane. (His own car seat weighs a ton, yet it is familiar to him and may, therefore, be a better option.  But we can borrow a car seat when we get to CA and the harness is sooo much easier than dealing with getting the car seat on and off the planes.)  See the picture Rob took while he was out there a few weeks ago?  How could I not get on the next flight possible??

As good as that looks, I really miss all my family and friends and can't wait to see everyone.  We have plans to go to the beach and Rob will go racing but that's about all we know at this point.  Rex is totally excited to go to the beach and build a sandcastle.  He's already made it a point to tell me we have to go buy him a bucket and shovel and bring it with us.  So cute.  Speaking of so cute, check these two out.

We celebrated Rob's birthday last Friday.  He wanted to cook at home so we had a nice steak dinner with baked potatoes and salad and wine.  And instead of cake, he said he would rather have pie so that's what we did.  I have a deal set up with a massage therapist where I wash her sheets in exchange for free massages so I let Rob have my latest one for his birthday.  My battery charger for my camera had been MIA for quite a while so I didn't get any pictures of that day.  He also went to the Knoxville Nationals the next night after his birthday so I think it was a pretty good birthday weekend.

Wyatt has surprised us lately by singing all of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and most of the ABC's (he starts at h or i then goes to the end).  I didn't realize he knew either until he just busted them out the other day.  I tried to get him to sing it on camera but once the camera was rolling, he just wanted to play with it.  Here is what I got of the alphabet-

We were going to try and make it to the Iowa State Fair- I mean, we've been here 5 years now and still haven't been.  We have had small children/babies just about every year though so I guess we have a good excuse.  And now it's not looking good for this year either.  We don't really want to go this weekend because the weather is perfect and there will be a million people there.  Rob couldn't take any time off this week to go so it looks like we will miss it again.  We will have to plan ahead a little better next year so we make sure we get there.

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