About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Our First Graduation Experience

Rex had his preschool graduation yesterday.  It wasn't much really, just a slideshow of their year and some cupcakes, but it still hit this mommy pretty hard.  Is it all just going to fly by and soon enough I'll be sitting at his high school graduation and watching him go off to college?  I can hardly watch Toy Story 3 because it's too hard for me to watch Andy pack up his room and toys and go away to college!  I can't even imagine what a basketcase I will be when it is happening with my own children.  Anyhow, it was a nice day and I really enjoyed seeing all the photos of what Rex and his classmates did all year.  Here are Rex and Wyatt eating some cupcakes.

Apparently Rex is sticking with being a doctor when he grows up.  I know the kid is smart enough.  He can read anything and then he told me the other day, "Mom, 5 plus 5 plus 2 is 12."  Yes it is, genius 4 year-old.  I'm feeling a little sorry for his teachers because they are going to have a hard time keeping him interested when he is so smart and things are so easy for him.

So that is about it for the graduation.  I took the boys to lunch afterwards and let Rex pick so we ended up having a celebratory bean burrito for lunch.  Yay.  He still has one more day of school (today) and I need to pick him up soon so I better wrap this up quickly but I think I have time for a little bit more sharing.

The weather has been so rainy lately.  And trust me, I am not complaining.  Last year was so dry and hot and it felt like being in California again.  It's nice to feel like Iowa again.  Everything is so green and beautiful and fresh.  It's great to have the windows open all the time.  I think I've still been using the heater more than the air conditioning!  We've had some nice sunny days too.  Unfortunately, it hasn't been warm enough to go to the aquatic center (I'd say pool, but it's a lot fancier than that) so there has just been play time in the backyard so far.  Here's a little bit of Rex playing baseball.

He bats left-handed and I have no idea where he gets that from.  He also tries to golf left-handed.  He eats, writes and does everything else with his right hand though.  Now I really do have to go pick him up from his last day of preschool though so I better get going!
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