About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Friday, July 27, 2012

A Sickly July

At least one person has been sick in our house for almost the entire month of July.  Not being dramatic at all here, folks.  These are the facts.  It all started with Rex's 4 year old check-up on July 2nd.  He had a reaction to the shot and had a fever for a day or so then a few days after that, came down with (what I think was) a cold.  He passed it on to Wyatt after a couple days then it got to me.  The boys were sick, but didn't seem all that bad so I didn't take them back to the doctor's office (which was where we picked all this crud up in the first place). When it got to me, I felt awful and went to the doctor to discover I had bronchitis, an ear infection, fever and a sore throat.  The boys were feeling better when I was sick but then I guess I passed it back to them and Rex had a double ear infection and Wyatt had croup.  We were at the doctor's office four times in 9 days between the three of us.  Thank goodness for insurance because between the office visits and all the antibiotics, it has been an expensive month.  And what's up with Wyatt getting croup- I thought that was an old-timey, 1800s disease?!  Crazy.  So the three of us are still coughing but much better and hopefully the cycle ends here.  Rob dodged it all for a long time but it seems he has a cold now.  Everyone stay away from Daddy.

I have more good reasons for being a bad blogger this past month.  My father was here for a visit a week or two ago and the boys had a lot of fun with Grandpa Rusty.

We all had a good visit with Grandpa Rusty.  Unfortunately, the day he got here was the day I started getting sick so that part was a bummer.  Rob had to take on the role of Chief Hostess and he did a great job.  I felt terrible for a couple days there and the medicine made me incredibly sleepy so I was just out of it for a while there.  Between my sickness and the awful heat we've had, we didn't get a chance to get out and do much but I think everyone had a good time despite the circumstances.  He and Rob got in a round of golf and the boys and I took him to the aquatic center twice so we did get some fun stuff in there too.

Before my dad got here, Rob was spending every second he had on our trucker bath.  Let's review again how bad it used to be.

How it looked when we bought the house (love the wood toilet seat- yuck!)-
The half-bath/laundry room

After our first mini-makeover a few years ago (better, but still not great)-
Updated Half Bath and Laundry

And now, the beautiful bathroom-

It is still not totally finished but pretty close.  We need a curtain or blinds for the window, a rug, cover up the water hook-ups and put the vent cover on.  I also have a special little project for the interior of the cabinets that I will share as soon as I get to it.  I am so thrilled with the way it came out.  Eventually we will add a shower where the pedestal sink is right now and the sink will be over right next to the wall and doorway (where the shoe tray is right now).  I think I would like some kind of cabinet to go in the sink's eventual location for now but I'm not quite decided on that yet.  It would be nice to have more storage for cleaning and bathroom supplies.  Everything was replaced except the wall cabinets, mirror and light fixtures.  It is so nice in there and I love that I have another bathroom to use now- because I wouldn't even go in there before.  Yeah, it was bad.  But not anymore!

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