About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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I Love Comments!

Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog- I love to read them. We do try to keep some things private though so please don't use our last name or where we work and live in your comment. Thanks!

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rex Eats at a Restaurant

Rob and I finally got brave enough last night to take Rex to eat at a restaurant. We had to take his food with us and I fed him while I was trying to eat my own dinner. So it's a little more work now but it all went really good.

I don't think we will eat out a lot now or anything like that- it is just nice to know that if we want to go out to eat, we can.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Last Week- The Short Version

I don't really have a lot of stories to tell about the past week though we've been pretty busy. Here's a quick rundown.

- Mother's Day was really nice. I got flowers, a present that I needed (a super-duper bypass pruner for the yard) and was attended to throughout the day by Rob. Rex hit me in the mouth with the tv remote and later headbutted me square on my cheekbone. Both made me cry in pain but thankfully neither left marks or knocked out any teeth. So there is room for Rex to improve next year but Rob did awesome.

- Went to yoga class on Monday night, as I've been doing for the past 6 weeks or so. I'm glad I am back at it because I tend to be really tight and bound up and yoga really helps me loosen up and be more flexible.

- Got my hair cut on Tuesday night. It's a little different this time and I don't think Rob's really a fan. Oops. I like it though.

- Attended a cpr/choking class on Wednesday night. I am not certified but I know what to do. Bring on the solid foods for Rex!

- Bought some Liquid Fence on Thursday to use in yard. The bunnies were eating some of our new plants and I am not going to stand for that! I have only seen one dare go near the plants since I sprayed that- most make a mad dash to get out of the area. The one that didn't got beaned in the head with a rather large piece of shredded oak mulch by me. I don't think he'll be back unless he wants more of the same. If I can manage to hit him again from 30 feet away which truly was a miracle. I have terrible, terrible aim.

- Friday night was Bunco night. It was at a house out in the country where there was some gentle rolling hills covered in green grass and I thought I was in heaven. Rob and I are ready to move to the country- but I don't think we will. Too many conveniences with living in town that I would miss.

- We worked in the yard some this weekend. There was a spirea and some bulbs by the garage that had to be removed to make way for Rob's next project- an enclosure for our 2 trash cans. Right now they sit in front of the house and they are so ugly. We both can't wait to get them over on the side of the house.

- Rob also changed the brakes on the X Terra this weekend but first he had to buy a jack, jack stands, some tools and the new brake pads. I'm not real sure we saved money this time but next time we need to fix anything it will be a lot cheaper since we own the jack, jack stands and tools now.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Back Yard Landscaping is Complete!

Last Friday, we had 7 yards of mulch delivered by a local nursery. That night, Rob and I began the work of clearing out all the weeds and putting the mulch down. We were not really prepared for how long that would take and we didn't get that all finished until Tuesday. There were a lot of trips between the front and back yards, carrying the mulch in trash cans from the front and then dumping it in the back. Rob also installed edging all around the grass in the yard and in our side yard. We went to the nursery on Tuesday and they delivered 31 plants to us Wednesday morning. Both of us wanted to use plants that look more like wildflowers as opposed to a formal garden look. I chose Russian sage, purple coneflower, shasta daisy, Eva Cullum phlox, black eyed susan and 2 varieties of yarrow (moonshine which is yellow and strawberry seduction which is red). Here are some pictures I took of the yard this morning.

Rob also built a raised planting bed which you can see at the rear of the yard. I'm going to plant my vegetable garden in that but I need to get some soil for the bed first. You can also another small box in the first photo and that is where I am going to plant my dahlia bulbs. I have to dig those up before the winter every year so it will be nice to have them contained in that small box. Rob found all the lumber being stored in our attic (left from the previous owner) so it didn't cost anything to make the boxes. We also planted three rose bushes along the fence in that first photo. I have a lot of seeds to plant still and some seedlings that I have started here in the house that will need to be moved outside eventually. Perhaps I should have said that this phase of the landscaping is complete- I think there will always be more to do!

P.S.- I just put quite a few more pictures of both the back and front yards on my Flickr page if you want to see more. I also have to show off our two lilacs here because they are beautiful right now- it's just too bad you can't smell them here too because they are wonderful!

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Shopping Cart Incident

I was hesitant about letting Rex sit in the tall part of the shopping cart and not in his carrier for just this reason-

In just his third time sitting up in the cart like a big boy, he managed to grab the box of beef and cheese Slim Jim's off the shelf and toss it on the floor. I was trying to unload the cart so I did not have a chance at stopping him. Luckily no one was behind us so no one witnessed any of this or saw me scoop them up and put them back on the shelf. I had to get this picture first though because I did think it was all pretty funny and he seemed so pleased with himself. If you are eating a beef and cheese Slim Jim, does it really matter if it fell on the floor first anyways? I didn't think so.
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