About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog- I love to read them. We do try to keep some things private though so please don't use our last name or where we work and live in your comment. Thanks!

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

32 Weeks

Tomorrow (Thursday) I will be 32 weeks along in my pregnancy. Lately I've been having a lot of thoughts along the lines of "Uh oh- I actually have to get this kid out soon" and I've been kind of nervous and anxious about all that. We start our birthing classes next week so hopefully when I learn more about what to expect and what will happen during that process, I will feel more relaxed about it. It's either that or I'll be totally freaked out so we'll see. Here's a picture of me that was taken yesterday so technically I am 31 weeks and 5 days in this photo.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Freeze Watch

So much for shooting my mouth off about spring and our 70 degree weather- last night we had a freeze warning and it got down to about 27 degrees last night. Brrr! We had to cover up all our bulbs in the yard to protect them. It looked a little ridiculous and, unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of it. Imagine driving by a house that has a random assortment of tarps and buckets and storage containers turned upside down over their plants and you'll have a good idea what our front yard looked like. It seemed to work though; the plants are doing just fine today. The red hyacinth are really starting to look good and you can even see some of the tulips getting ready to pop open.

We spent the weekend working on the house some more- big surprise there. Rob finished up the yard work and got all the pruning completed and the Dumpster is ready to be hauled away. I helped some too but he did a lot of the work. For the rest of the summer, all we should need to do is just general upkeep. Thank goodness for that. It was also finally time to get the lawnmower out and mow the lawn for the first time this year.

He also put together the glider we bought a few weeks ago.

We thought we did so good buying that glider- it was such a bargain compared to the ones at Babies R Us. Well, it doesn't feel anywhere near as good to sit in as the ones that cost three times as much. We discussed what to do about the situation since neither of us are thrilled with it. It just sits and swings very stiff and when you sit in any of the ones at Babies R Us, they are so comfy that you could just fall right asleep as soon as you sit in one. We decided that we will keep this one and see if we can get a better seat cushion and maybe just kind of break it in so it's not so stiff. People are sitting all day long in the ones at Babies R Us and maybe we just need to give this one some time. And maybe we just need to put this one up for sale on Craigslist and get ourselves a fancy glider. We'll have to wait and see.

Some big excitement around our house today is that we got the curtains up in our bedroom and the second set up in the kitchen. They both had to be hemmed before they could be hung. I was dragging my feet getting them to a seamstress and then when I did, it took a month to get them back. It's a good feeling to have those rooms just a little closer to being finished.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Keeping Busy

I am loving all the spring weather we are enjoying now- it was even 75 degrees today! But with spring now in full swing, we've been busy getting the front and back yards fixed up. The backyard had a lot of overgrown shrubs and bushes (we inherited it that way- it's not our fault!) and we've been trying to get them under control now, while we still can. We didn't have much time for the yard last year and we are trying to get off to a better start this year. I planted about 150-200 bulbs in the front yard last fall and they are now starting to pop up. I came home from work today to find that several of them even started to bloom.

You can see the Dumpster in the driveway that was delivered on Monday to put all the trimmings into. We've had to spend a lot of time cutting those trimmings down to make them all fit because there is just so much stuff. There is one pile sitting next to the Dumpster that we were working on tonight. And then there is a bunch more in the backyard still that you can see below- where you can also see some more daffodils that are blooming. It also looks like there are a bunch of weeds there; some are weeds but a lot of those are little iceland poppy plants that will be blooming probably next month.

It's really been odd to me to have daffodils at the end of April- in California, I think they always bloomed mid-late February. I had another little surprise in the front yard today. In addition to all the new daffodils out there, I saw a few hyacinth starting to bloom. I had totally forgotten that I planted those! Here's a close-up of one.

I promise to post more photos of all the flowers as they bloom- as long as the bunnies don't find them and eat them all first!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Only 10 More Weeks

I just ate some Tums and I'm ready to blog. I will be finishing up 30 full weeks tomorrow which leaves me 10 to go. That's assuming he's on time which, so I've read, only 5% of babies are. So really, who knows how much longer? Here's a picture of me from today. I kind of wish I had taken it in the morning when the hair was looking a little fresher- okay, when everything was looking a little fresher.

I'm really doing good though. It's a little uncomfortable and awkward but it is so much fun to feel him move around and see him getting bigger. He seems to get a little wild in the evenings around 7:00 or so which is good timing because Rob's around then and he can see it and feel it too. Here's what his room is looking like since we got the two mattresses.

Look at that- not even born yet and already leaves his clothes lying on the bed! HA! Okay, that was me. We still have to figure out where to put things which is a little difficult since we keep getting more stuff everyday. That has been wonderful though and it's so great to see how many people care about us and want to celebrate this with us despite the long distance.

I get asked pretty often if I'm having any cravings. I always tell people no but I just realized the other day that I have major attraction to anything with cinnamon on it. I eat a cinnamon toast bagel every morning for breakfast. About two months ago, I had to have a cinnamon roll. I would've loved one from Cinnabon but took a more reasonable route and bought the tube of Pillsbury reduced fat cinnamon rolls I could make at home. I don't want to look like the Pillsbury Doughboy, but I do like to eat some of his reduced fat items. Finally, this weekend a box of cinnamon crumb cake mix found it's way into my shopping cart somehow and I cooked that up on Monday night. YUM! It was really good too. I have noticed a recent increase in my desire for sweets. Normally, sweets are something I could live without- just don't take chips or popcorn away from me. Unfortunately, now I want them both! Now I'm a little hungry. Think I'll go see if there's anymore of that cake left...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Aren’t the Weekends for Resting?

We had another busy weekend around the house with getting the nursery put together and chores around the house. We bought a glider chair this weekend and got a twin mattress for the bed in the nursery. I washed two loads of the little guy’s clothes, towels, bibs, sheets, etc and put them all away in his dresser- that’s probably the most fun I’ve ever had doing laundry! Rob did a lot of pruning work in the yard on Sunday and I helped a little too but mostly stayed inside cleaning and doing laundry.

Our new glider chair:

We did watch There Will Be Blood on Friday night and I watched Enchanted on Sunday afternoon. Here are my reviews for the two- first of all, I really enjoyed Enchanted and liked how they tied in so many fairy tale/Disney clichés and made a fun movie out of it. As for There Will Be Blood, I really enjoyed watching Daniel Day Lewis. He’s just amazing- I don’t know what else to say. But the story, I didn’t think it was that great. We also cooked up some pretty good food for dinner on Saturday and Sunday nights. On Saturday, I made chicken cordon bleu and we had some corn and mashed potatoes (for Rob) and rice (for me) with it. I always had it in my head that chicken cordon bleu was a very difficult thing to make but this recipe was super easy and it came out really good. By the way, the Market Pantry brand (I think that's what it is- Market something) frozen corn from Target is sooo good! I usually like canned corn better than frozen but that is the best corn (besides fresh off the cob) that I think I’ve ever had. Anyhow, that was a really good dinner and then Rob made teriyaki beef kebabs on the barbecue on Sunday night. The marinade for the meat in this recipe is wonderful. I made a salad and some pilaf to go with it so we ate really good this weekend- and now we have leftovers to look forward to this week!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Green Grass and Barbecues

Green grass and our barbecue are two things we haven’t seen much of since last November, maybe even October. I’m happy to report that things are finally changing! All the snow has been melted for a couple of weeks now and the grass is starting to green up. All the tulip bulbs I planted last fall and some other bulbs that were already in our yard are starting to pop out of the ground. There aren’t too many trees with leaves yet but I’m sure that will be soon. Rob got to fire up the barbecue twice this past weekend and that was so wonderful. Seriously- it is a wonderful thing. You really appreciate everything about the spring sooo much more when you have a long, snowy winter. Everyone is out jogging, going for walks and riding their bikes now that it is warming up. I would love to go out for a bike ride too but that isn’t a real good idea for me right now! We worked in the yard quite a bit this weekend, doing a lot of pruning although we still have a lot to do. It is a lot of work but we just try to focus on how nice it is to be outside in 60 degree weather- that makes it seem pretty good to be outside doing yard work.

So we did yard work and barbecued this weekend and also did a lot of other chores around the house. It wasn’t real exciting but it was very productive. One thing I also managed to do was get the registries done for Target and Babies R Us. There are more items on the Babies R Us registry. There are also a few repeats on the two lists and if we get something off one, I will try to remove the duplicate from the other list. I had a coupon code for $5 off that I was going to share but it looks like it expired a few days ago. I will keep checking though and be sure to post any more that I see. It seems like they have some kind of deal going on most of the time- free stroller umbrella with purchase, free shipping, $5 off, etc.

Friday, April 4, 2008

28 Weeks

I hit the 28 week mark yesterday so I am definitely in the last trimester now- Yay! Here's a photo of me today (wearing my new jean skirt, by the way)

Things are starting to get a little uncomfortable at this point. My back hurts, I wake up in the night with leg cramps and I've learned now what heartburn is. In fact, we went to Sam's Club last night so I could buy the jumbo bottle of Tums. I've probably had heartburn 2 or 3 times in my life before the pregnancy. I'm very glad I'm not someone who gets it regularly because it stinks. Finally, my last observation (read: complaint) would be that his little butt is stuck in my ribs on the right side and that is very uncomfortable. It is kind of fun to know where things are now though so I'm enjoying it despite the uncomfortableness.

Several people have been asking about a baby shower and if we'll be coming to California again before the baby's born to have one. We were going to try but it's not going to happen after all. I feel a little weird mentioning this but several people have asked so I'll put this info out for anyone who wants to know. I'm going to attempt to register us online for Babies R Us and probably Target this weekend. So if any of you out there have been wondering about showers and registries, that's the scoop. I'm a little sad about not having a baby shower but that's, unfortunately, the way it has turned out. I would have enjoyed sharing that experience with everyone and thanks so much to those of you who have offered to throw me one!
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