About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

One More Celebration

I forgot to mention that Wyatt turned one month old last Saturday. Yay Wyatt! I took some photos of him that day.

I was inspired by pictures Nanette did of her daughter every month. I wasn't prepared though and didn't get the stickers in time to put on a shirt so I had to use Rex's bathtub toy letters and numbers. I can't decide if I should keep going with that look or get the stickers for the rest of the months. Hmm...

Seemed Like A Good Idea

I realized not too long after Rex was born that his 2nd birthday and Father's Day would be the same day. I thought that was pretty cool until it actually got here. I still think it is somewhat cool, I just didn't think about how much work that would be to celebrate all that. Then you throw in a new baby and a grandma with a birthday the very next day (my parents are visiting right now) and it just seems like all out mayhem. Mostly, Rex's birthday got celebrated. We kind of celebrated my mom's birthday with Rex and we kind of celebrated the next day too but neither was all that great, I'm afraid. I'm also sorry to say that Rob made breakfast and dinner that day and didn't even have a present to open. But that was only because he got his present in April (golf clubs) as his Father's Day/birthday/and-maybe-even-Christmas-too present.

Rex had a good time, I think. He had his dinosaur cake which I will make him every year. Well, actually I managed to sweet talk his Papa into making the cake since I was busy with Wyatt. He opened his presents after that. Rob did most of the birthday present shopping so he got Flarp (putty that makes a fart noise when you stick your finger in it that he actually is not even old enough to play with yet), a bubble gun, magnetic letters for the fridge (the kid seriously already knows about half the alphabet- hopefully this will help him learn the rest), and a rubber duckie and boat for the bath. I got him a set of Curious George dvds a while back so I wrapped those up for him too. Here are some birthday photos.

That's Rob playing with the Flarp in the background- guess who he really got it for?

So it was a busy weekend to say the least. I think everybody had a good time though. As I mentioned earlier, my parents are here visiting right now. Actually, they are on a little road trip for a few days but they will be back tonight. They got to meet Wyatt and are having fun with Rex too- he is a lot different than the last time they saw him in November! We are enjoying visiting with them as well and it is sooo nice to have helpers in the house again! Wyatt seems to be going through his 6-week growth spurt a little early so I better get back to my duties.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Like Father, Like Son

We get a lot of comments about how Wyatt looks so much like Rex. And he does. But here is who he really looks like.

That is Rob at 3 months old. Here is a picture of Wyatt that I took yesterday.

I was trying to prop Wyatt up so the pictures would be really similar but he just kept sinking down so that didn't really work out. I'm glad Wyatt looks like Rob- Rex looks a lot like me and now we each have our own mini-me. Ha!

My parents arrived yesterday and it is so good to see them. It has been nearly a year since they were here last. And I'm not gonna lie, it is also really nice to have some helpers around again. We haven't been up to much lately. I think I have only been out twice since Wyatt was born- once to a doctor appointment and once to get my Powerball ticket (I will win the jackpot one of these days- I will!). Rob is doing so great with taking care of all the shopping, making dinner and doing the dishes. I have such a wonderful husband! Oh, by the way, Wyatt is 4 weeks old today. I can hardly believe it- time is just flying by. And Rex will be 2 on Sunday. Wow. And I would like a nap now while the boys are both asleep so I better get to it. Goodnight!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Holy cow- both kids are asleep right now and I have a few quick moments to blog. I wasn't sure when I would have a chance again. Rob's parents were here to visit and help us while Wyatt was born. They were so much help to us and it was a sad day when they left this Tuesday. To make matters worse, that was the day I got sick. Little infection, lot of fever and a total mess. I got some antibiotics from the doctor and am on the mend now but it's been a really rough few days at our house. Tuesday was also the day we had Wyatt's 2-week-old check up with the pediatrician. He's quite the healthy guy and healthy eater- he gained 13 ounces in 11 days. Everything looked good and there were no shots- just the kind of appointments we like to have. I got this picture of him a few days ago with his eyes open (a rare thing since he sleeps so much of the time). Very serious baby.

Rob's dad helped him build a gate and trellis on the side of our house. We used to have one there but it was falling apart and the paint was peeling off the thing so Rob took it out a while back. Now that we have a little boy who likes to run around the yard, it seemed like a really good idea to get that gate back up. The little boy who caused all the work decided to pitch in.

He helped dig the holes for the posts with his dad.

Then he decided he would rather sit back and supervise...

And let somebody else do all the work.

The three of them did a great job- it is coming together very nicely though it isn't quite done yet.

So, to recap, Wyatt is doing great, I am getting better, and Rob and Rex make a good team. I'm even managing to do okay with the two of them while Rob is at work and I'm on my own. It should seem like cake then once I'm feeling good again, right? We took a walk today and I used the double stroller to tote around my boys. With 90+ pounds of stroller, car seat and kids to push around, I was surprised at how easy it was to steer and maneuver. There are a couple of places where we go uphill some and that was tough but besides that, it was not bad.

Wyatt should be getting up soon so I better wrap this up. Don't want him to wake up, start crying and then wake his brother up too! But first, one more picture of my two boys.

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