About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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I Love Comments!

Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog- I love to read them. We do try to keep some things private though so please don't use our last name or where we work and live in your comment. Thanks!

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Keep On Rollin' Baby

Rex has a new trick!

He started on his tummy but by the time I got out of the way and got the camera going, he was already over on his side. He rolled over twice yesterday morning and this morning he has completed about 10-15 rolls- all tummy to back. At just a little over 3 months old, I'm quite sure this makes my child a genius. And I'm very concerned about what Rob and I are in for in the future!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Writer's Block

Rob's watching Rex and the presidential debates so it's a great time for me to blog but I'm feeling uninspired and having a tough time thinking of things to write about. Rex has been sleeping great through the night this week. He has been going to bed between 9:00 and 10:00 at night and sleeping until between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. He eats and then goes back to sleep for anywhere between 45 minutes and 2 hours. Here he is yesterday morning- he actually slept until 9:00 a.m. that day! It made me a little nervous and I kept checking on him often but he was fine- just pretty tired, it would seem. Hopefully I didn't just jinx him by telling everyone how great he is doing.

Let's see... What else? I'm doing a LOT of baking and cooking these days. I really enjoy baking quick breads and cookies and now Rob has threatened to take my oven away if I make him fat. Hmm- better be careful I don't make either one of us fat because I don't want to end up there either. Anyhow, my latest batch of cookies was my happiest moment in the kitchen so far. My friend Carrie (from jr. high and high school) always had the best cookies at her house- her mom made them and all I could remember is that they had rice krispies and white chocolate chips in them. I've tried to find the recipe but I don't know the name of them or anything. I finally discovered the recipe in my Allrecipes.com Tried and True Cookies cookbook. Rob came home yesterday and I said, "You have to try one of my cookies- they're in the pantry!" He got one and then walked in the living room and said, "These just may be the best cookies you've ever made!" I said, "I KNOW!" So I told him about my friend Carrie and how I wanted these cookies but could never make them because I didn't have the recipe. Now that I do, look out. I made pork loin with pears from my Dream Dinners cookbook the other night and it was very tasty. Rob's parents will be here next week and I'll be making it again while they are here. So good and so easy because you can make it in the crock pot. I went to my bunco group last Friday and cooked up some apricot and raspberry cream cheese thumbprint cookies, pumpkin bread and artichoke dip (this recipe only without the peppers). All were enjoyed very much by the ladies and now I'm nervous for next month because they are expecting something really good again! I think I'm going to try this pretzel peanut bark I watched Paula Deen make this week. I think I'll do a test batch next week for my visitors and see how it goes over.

We took Rex's 3-month old pictures last Saturday at a place that I will never be going back to. I made the appointment about 10 days ahead and when we all got there, the idiot who I made the appointment with had not put it in the computer and now someone else had our appointment. I showed my appointment card to the girl to verify that I had been given that time but she did not seem to care. So the two girls who were also there got their pictures taken and we got screwed. They ended up doing our pictures about 45 minutes later because, as the dumbass employee told me, I was "lucky that the next appointment canceled." Really??? What about my day seemed lucky? I was so mad and upset about it all- I kept my mouth shut through most of it because if I had started in on her, I don't know that I could have stopped. Trying to get a 3-month old dressed up and transported to get his picture taken without having any spitting up incidents or without him falling asleep is no easy task. We actually managed to get a clean, well-dressed and happy baby to the place EARLY and then that happened. What a bunch of crap. Thankfully, the pictures turned out well and we can pick them up on Wednesday- and that will be the last time I ever set foot in that place.

So that's about it for us- I guess I found something to say after all!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hey Kicky!

I have more to blog about and will hopefully get to it later today but here's a little something for now. Make sure the volume is up so you can hear him kicking on his chair- it's too funny!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Coo Monster

Rex was really chatty this morning (sooo cute!)- here's a sample.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Don't Have A Job!

It is so crazy for me to think that I don't have a job anymore! Taking care of the house and my family is work, yes, but I don't have a job with an employer that I claim on my taxes anymore. Friday was my last day at work and I got a beautiful surprise from my parents. Very thoughtful of them and I love the autumness (I'm making up my own word here) of the arrangement.

Monday was my first day as a stay at home mom (now referred to as a SAHM) and I was sooo busy. I just don't want to stay home and eat and watch talk shows and soap operas all day. That's not what this is about. I got showered and dressed, I gave Rex a bath, had both sets of washing machines going, had the dishwasher going and had cleaned both bathrooms by 9:00 a.m. I took a little break for a while and then did some more laundry, went to the grocery store (Rex's first trip there- he slept) and made dinner. I think I got just a little too excited about everything and went a little nuts. I did not accomplish as much on Tuesday but I got to take Rex on a walk and made French Dip Sandwiches for dinner. They were pretty good- I like mine salty though and these were not salty enough. Rob liked them though and they were healthier without so much salt. There is still a lot of the roast left so I'm trying to think of something else to do with it now to mix it up a little. Rob asked for bierocks being the good German guy that he is. I've had them but never made them- might have to check in with my wonderful mother-in-law to see how she made them. I made some lemon bars too last Sunday from my 101 Things To Do With A Cake Mix cookbook.

Rex is still doing really good. He seems to be a lot like me when I was little- resistant to cuddling most of the time and unwilling to take a nap when one is needed. When he's unhappy now and cries, he has tears which makes him look even more pitiful and makes me run that much faster to get him what he needs. I think he's starting to figure out that mom is a soft-touch and will do whatever he wants. Now that I am home, his sleeping seems to be improving. He has slept 6+ hours for the last few nights and then even more after that. Yay!! I tried to weigh and measure him at home yesterday and I came up with 16 pounds and about 25.5 or 26 inches. Wow that's a big kid! Here's a photo of him from last Thursday.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

This Sucks

How cute is this?

Although I was a thumb-sucking fool myself, I have mixed emotions about Rex being one. Not that he even is one but it seems to be happening more and more lately and I fear that's where he's headed. It was so hard to get me to stop- you can't take a thumb away from a kid, after all. My mom also tells me about how my thumb would get all chapped and cracked in the winter. With the winters here, I'm sure it would be even worse for Rex. I don't exactly know what to do about it or what I want to do. Let him go ahead? Try to get him to use a pacifier instead? I'm sure there are a thousand opinions and ideas out there which makes it even harder to know what to do for him. We'll figure it out though, I imagine.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's Not Much But It Has A Great View

The view out my window at work today:

These are the three construction workers on a scaffold right outside my window who are NOISY! It sounds like they are going to be coming right through the wall any minute. I can't even hear myself think so you can imagine how productive I am. And can you say awkward? I want to put my blinds down but I don't know what kind of message I'm sending with that. They can't see me when I'm at my computer anyhow so I'm just going to leave the blinds where they are. They are working on a skywalk between my building and the next- it used to have 3 windows and now it will be all windows. A very nice project (the old ones looked worse than what's in Rex's diaper) and I'm glad they're doing it even if I never get to enjoy it. But couldn't they have waited until Monday when I won't be here anymore???

Monday, September 8, 2008

What's Cooking?

I am so excited to be staying home starting next week. Besides being able to take care of Rex all day and spend my time with him, I am looking forward to being able to keep a clean house, always have clean laundry, have time to get all the errands done, bills paid on time (the one item on this list I have made time for), and most of all, cooking and baking. I really enjoy both and have gotten the bug already so I've been cooking up some stuff in the kitchen over the last week. Or it may be the weather change and fall starting to set in that is inspiring me- I made two recipes with apples and the third was a casserole. It has cooled down a lot here in Iowa and the leaves are starting to change on the trees. I love this time of year!

Last weekend, I made an apple pie (from my trusty Good Housekeeping Cookbook)- crusts, filling, all of it from scratch. I have determined I need a pastry blender and will have to pick one up soon. Having to cut in the shortening with the flour using two knives is not a lot of fun. I think there are better recipes for pie crust out there so I will try a different one next time. The filling was excellent though and it looked pretty good too.

I tried a recipe for zucchini and beef casserole out of my new Dream Dinners cookbook. I really liked it but they had you cook it for way too long- thankfully I realized it wouldn't need so long to cook so I shortenend up the time. I will cook it even less next time. And put in less oregano. I used to love going to Dream Dinners and making up meals but they don't have a store near me now. Having the cookbook is probably a much cheaper way to do it anyhow!

I made applesauce cookies from a recipe found in the Parade magazine in the paper this weekend. I couldn't find the recipe on their website but I found one on Allrecipes.com that is almost the same. The only difference was that the one I made called for a cinnamon/sugar mixture to be sprinkled on top before baking. I don't like walnuts so I didn't put those in and I didn't have raisins so I didn't add those. They still turned out really good but I think they would be better with raisins in them.

Nanette just had a post about mini-bundt cakes (they looked delicious) and I'm already feeling the urge to make something else now. Need to go through my cookbooks tonight and find something else to try...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Take This Job and ...

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted anything! Sorry to everyone out there but our life has been so crazy. SOOO crazy. I went back to work on Monday, August 25th and it was terrible. I missed my baby so much. Rex actually seems to do just fine at daycare but Rob and I were a wreck. Wouldn't you want to spend your days with this guy?

So Rob and I spent a lot of time last week figuring out how we could make it on one income. That was one of the major reasons for moving to Iowa- for me to stay home with the kid. I met with my bosses on Thursday last week and told them I was quitting and gave them my two weeks notice. It was pretty hard because they've all been so great to me and I enjoy working there. I have nothing bad to say about anyone or anything there. If I didn't like it, it would have been much easier to tell them "See ya" but it was kind of difficult. I made it through though and we are really looking forward to me staying home with Rex. We won't have the budget to do lots of fun things and go to fun places anymore but it's worth the sacrifice. I've had so many people at work tell me that I'm doing the right thing and I'll be so glad I am home with Rex. I have no doubts about that. So now I've got just one more week of work and that's it! It is really weird though too- I've had a job almost constantly since I was 16. I'll still have a job though- just no money in the bank account to show for it!

I forgot to mention it in the last post, but at Rex's two-month check-up he weighed 14 pounds and 10 ounces. Holy cow! It's been a couple weeks and I'm sure he's gained another pound by now. He eats so much. In fact, I need to go take care of that really soon here. He coos a bunch now and giggles and it has to be the best thing ever. I can sit there for hours and watch him- Rob can too. And that's a good thing since we will probably be giving up our cable tv now!

*Note: The title of this post previously was "Take This Job and Shove It" but Rob pointed out that it didn't sound too good. I didn't mean anything bad towards the people I work with or my job so I'm sorry if anyone thought that. It wasn't my intention.
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