About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Monday, May 21, 2012

One Month Recap

I can't believe it has been a month since I last blogged.  We have been busy and there has been plenty of material, I just haven't been in the mood.  And to tell you the truth, I'm still not in the mood but here we go.  That's what she said.  (Sorry parents, I just couldn't pass it up.)  Anyhow let's go back to mid-April.  My parents came out for a visit and we spent half the visit at a condo at Lake Okoboji.  Since it was off-season up there, I scored a gorgeous 3 bed/2 bath condo for just $500 for a whole week.  Some restaurants and other places had not yet opened for the summer but there was still plenty to do.  There was an indoor waterpark where we stayed that was open on the weekends and we enjoyed that.  We went to a park one afternoon at Spirit Lake (which connects to Okoboji) and had a good time playing around there by the water.



Here is the condo.  Looks like we've lived there forever, right?  My favorite part was the deck just off the living room.  The building is right next to the lake and the weather was beautiful most of the time we were there.  I spent a lot of time out there relaxing and reading The Hunger Games books.


My parents bought the boys portable dvd players (early birthday presents) which was so, so, so wonderful to have.  My mom and I actually picked 2 of them up on clearance at Target the day we left on our trip.  Since the clearance ones were so much cheaper than what we were expecting, we were able to get them each one of their very own (although we only opened up one for the trip- the second one will come in handy for future airplane trips).  It fit just right in our car and made the 3 hour car ride so much more pleasant than previous car trips.  That was the part of the trip I was kind of dreading and it all went so smoothly.  I also got Wyatt the Joovy Room2 pack and play which is quite a bit larger than the standard pack and play.  I think he appreciated the extra room for sleeping.

The rest of the visit with my parents went great and we all loved having the grandparents around.  Rob and I got out twice for date nights and the boys had a great time playing with Nana and Papa.  It was definitely sad to see them go.  We keep trying to convince them to buy a place out here.  We want everyone to.  And maybe some of you will- looks like a lot of people are leaving California these days.  Anyhow, we had a great visit with them and all our friends, family and In-N-Out should leave California and move here.

A few days after my parents went back home, Rob went out to California to go racing.  He had a lot of fun but it may have been a mistake.  All I hear about now is when the next race is and how he wants to be there so bad.  Oh dear.  I bought paint for the living room thinking I would surprise him and repaint it while he was away.  It turned out that looking after the boys by myself for 4 days was awfully tiring and I just didn't have the energy to paint after I got them to bed at night.  If anyone is wondering, that's what we will be doing this weekend- painting the living room.

This past Saturday was Wyatt's birthday- my baby turned 2 years old!  Wow.  We got him a cozy coupe car and he would not get out of the thing, much to his brother's dismay- Rex was dying to get in and take it for a spin.  Here he is, at the drive-in.


He did take a little break to check out his new workbench and Handy Manny table and chairs and take a spin on the Twirl & Hurl (or Sit & Spin as Playskool calls it).



He liked his "ka-mouse" (aka Mickey Mouse) cake a lot.  


I had the family room all decorated and he kept pointing at different decorations and singing "Happy to you" (he leaves out the word "birthday" for some reason).  It was very cute.  The boys even managed to play together with the car for a bit and they are adorable.

It was a wonderful day with lots of nice presents.  I guess that gets us pretty well caught up for the last month and I promise to not be so long before the next post!
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