About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog- I love to read them. We do try to keep some things private though so please don't use our last name or where we work and live in your comment. Thanks!

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Family Room Project Update

Last week, our bike-shop-to-family-room project was looking like this-

Lots of mess everywhere and not totally closed off yet. There is the big issue of closing off the room from the garage but there were tons of little places all around the perimeter of the room at the ceiling that needed to be sealed off too. Last Friday we got the word that the guys we hired to do our spray foam insulation would be there on Monday. I asked Rob, "Like 10 days Monday or like 3 days Monday?" Turns out it was like 3 days Monday. Rob worked so hard all weekend and I pitched in too as much as I could. I pounded nails, cut sheets of OSB with the circular saw and even had some really good ideas on how to seal off the tricky ceiling areas. We finally finished a little after 2:00 a.m. last night- here it is all cleaned up and ready for some foam.

It hasn't been that empty or clean in 4 1/2 years! The guys showed up about 15 minutes early (we were still not quite ready) and got to work while Rob and I finished off the last couple items. Here is one of the guys spraying the ceiling.

And here it is once he was all done.

I can't believe how much brighter it is in there now with the white foam instead of all the wood walls! Wow. It has me so excited to get this project done so we can start using the space. A friend of ours, the one that totally bailed us out with shingling the roof last fall, is going to be drywalling for us, probably even this week! I have been busy trying to pick out paint colors but we are all over the place with that. It is our usual tug-of-war between something more Pottery Barn contemporary style and something more IKEA modern style. Hopefully we can choose a color soon and start enjoying our room as soon as possible!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

4.5 Years and 2054 Miles Later

Nanette shared a little news with me last week that they are moving to Portland, Oregon and it got me thinking, "What would I say about my experience moving to a new state?" It has been exactly 4 1/2 years since Rob and I left California for Iowa and really, what hasn't changed about our lives? New jobs, new house, new kids- I think our XTerra is the only constant we have besides each other! Some of my thoughts about the move were positive but others weren't so much. So for Nanette's benefit and anyone else contemplating/recently making a big move (and I know there are a few of you!), here are my thoughts on the matter.

Starting with the glass half full... The Positives.

1. Quality of Life- I do enjoy the clean air, Midwestern people, no traffic, and very low crime. The best part is being able to stay home with the boys while they are young. The way they eat, I will certainly have to work when they go to school to be able to feed them, but I love my time home with them for now. Schools are another big part of this that we haven't really gotten into yet but a future positive, nonetheless.

2. Cost of Living- Depending on where you are moving from and to, this may be on the negatives list but for us it was a positive. Affordable housing and goods are also a big part of why I get to stay home with the boys.

3. Four Seasons- The period of time when we get snow could be shortened up a little and you wouldn't hear me complain, but I do love having four distinct seasons. A white Christmas just feels so much more... Christmasy. Spring and summer are so much better after a snowy winter, seeing the white melt away and the green take over. And a crisp fall day with the leaves turning bright colors- I don't know if it gets any better than that.

And now, The Negatives...

1. Missing Family and Friends- Without a doubt, this is the toughest part of moving to a new state. It wasn't so bad when it was just Rob and I because we had the money and ability to fly back to California often. Then Rex came along and it got more expensive and challenging and now there is Wyatt and it just seems impossible. He hates driving more than about 30 minutes in the car and I can't imagine him on a plane for 3 1/2 hours. For now, we have to rely on people coming to see us. We miss seeing everyone anytime we wanted and having the kids away from grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins is about as bad as it gets. And then It really hit me how tough it is not to have any family to help once Wyatt came along. When it was just me and Rex during the day, it was fine to take him all around town on errands and he just didn't wear me out like the two of them do. I can't imagine what it would be like to have more than two kids! Not having grandparents nearby + more than 1 kid = REALLY HARD.

2. Food- I miss a good bean and cheese burrito and In-N-Out burgers (my mouth honestly started watering when I looked at their website just now!), Rob misses George's shish kebab and we both miss Teriyaki Don just to name a few. We try to recreate these things but it is never the same. Of course we have new favorite things and places here, but we still miss the old favorites.

3. Making New Friends is Tough- It just takes time to build up a group of friends- I mean, it took me 30 years to know all the people I do in California! I'm sure once the kids get involved in more activities and school, we will be meeting a lot more people which will make it easier. And there aren't too many people our ages with young kids so either we have friends our age with older kids, or younger friends with kids the same ages as ours.

After 4 1/2 years, I still think we made the right decision by moving to Iowa. The pros outweigh the cons and if we felt any differently, we would be back at the Penske truck rental to pack it all up and move back to the Golden State.

Good luck with the move Nanette and Brent, we hope you love your new home and we can't wait to visit you in Portland!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

August Already?

Warning- Completely random, stream-of-consciousness post below. Was going to fix it up a little better but ran out of time!

I can't believe it is August 1st already! Rob's birthday is in just a few days and I am totally not prepared. I'm thinking about tools so he can keep working on projects around the house- is that more a present for me or for him though? I will have to keep working on ideas I guess. My dad gets here for a visit on Wednesday so I have been busy thinking about that and what I need to do to get the house ready. He booked his flight so long ago and it felt like it was so far off- I can't believe it is time already. One good thing about time going so quickly is that it has to cool down sometime, right? It has been so hot for a month now and it doesn't even cool down at night. I've got a few things planned while my dad is here and one is to paint some stripes on one wall of our office. Rob doesn't really approve because he is concerned that they will not be perfectly straight and he is a little cuckoo like that. It'll be close enough for me though so I'm going ahead with it. Hopefully I will have the stripes done and have the office ready for photos in the next week or two. It is definitely a catch-all kind of place right now and needs some help. I just saw the internet service guy go by so I better wrap this up. Time to find out why our service is so sketchy lately! Here's a picture of the boys from this morning though that I thought was adorable.

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