Like many newborns, Rex has his days and nights backwards. Here he is at about midnight on Wednesday night/Thursday morning:
And here's Rex at about noon on Thursday (Don't freak out about the blanket being a suffocation hazard- he had 4 grandparents and 2 parents watching him then):
Apparently, it has something to do with a mom's milk coming in best at night and the babies know this so they are awake then to feed. That's the story I got from a few nurses so as crazy as it sounds, I suppose it is probably right. The good news is that they said it only lasts for about a week to 10 days. I don't think any two days have been the same so far. It's hard to know what to expect and you just can't plan for anything. Last night he was wide awake from 11:30-3:30 a.m. and then tonight he slept really good and only woke up a couple of times to eat. The goal for the next few days is to get him to sleep in the bassinet so that he, Rob and I can all sleep at the same time instead of Rob and I taking turns watching and holding him through the night while he sleeps- which is what I'm doing right now as I'm typing this at 5:30 in the morning. It's very hard to find time to do anything else but take care of him which is alright with me. There are people I've been wanting to call or at least email for the last week but it just doesn't happen. I think I've talked to 4 people on the phone in the last week- I don't even know where it is most of the time. I'm looking forward to the time where we start to get some kind of schedule going and life starts to have a pattern (at least a little bit) but this early part of his life is very special too.
It's hard to believe it has already been a week since he was born. Even with the craziness and lack of sleep, time is just flying by already. Happy One Week Birthday Rex!
Ahhhh...the poop stories are the best! Isn't it amazing how good you've gotten at changing diapers in just one week's time? :-)
We love you guys so much!
Auntie Trix
Wow! A week already? So fast!
And feel free to call me anytime before 11 p.m. Pacific time if you're up late and bored. Well, not bored, but able to multitask. ;)
We had to learn that poop lesson the hard way, too! :) The good news is (if you're not a huge fan of poop, that is), at almost 3 months, our son only poops about once a day! I know... it sounds like a pipe dream... It's something about the change in your milk as well as a change in their digestive systems.
I hope you're doing well! At one week, I was exhausted, overwelmed, and crying all the time. (Yea for baby blues.) Happily, it's gotten so much easier and more fun. Enjoy your beautiful son, but don't feel bad if sometimes you don't. :)
Your baby is beautiful and looks much older than one week! Very handsome! We had a lot of fun finding names and songs (which was my forte) to go with my son's name, Blake. Since he was born around xmas I sang "Blakey Baby" a lot instead of "Santa Baby". And, instead of singing "Amie...whatchu wanna doooo" it was of course, "Blakey...whatchu wanna doooo..." (the Pure Prairie League Song, fyi, lol) Tyrannoppous Rex is a great one!
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