About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog- I love to read them. We do try to keep some things private though so please don't use our last name or where we work and live in your comment. Thanks!

Donate Blood

Donate Blood

Monday, August 29, 2011

Family Room Project Update

Last week, our bike-shop-to-family-room project was looking like this-

Lots of mess everywhere and not totally closed off yet. There is the big issue of closing off the room from the garage but there were tons of little places all around the perimeter of the room at the ceiling that needed to be sealed off too. Last Friday we got the word that the guys we hired to do our spray foam insulation would be there on Monday. I asked Rob, "Like 10 days Monday or like 3 days Monday?" Turns out it was like 3 days Monday. Rob worked so hard all weekend and I pitched in too as much as I could. I pounded nails, cut sheets of OSB with the circular saw and even had some really good ideas on how to seal off the tricky ceiling areas. We finally finished a little after 2:00 a.m. last night- here it is all cleaned up and ready for some foam.

It hasn't been that empty or clean in 4 1/2 years! The guys showed up about 15 minutes early (we were still not quite ready) and got to work while Rob and I finished off the last couple items. Here is one of the guys spraying the ceiling.

And here it is once he was all done.

I can't believe how much brighter it is in there now with the white foam instead of all the wood walls! Wow. It has me so excited to get this project done so we can start using the space. A friend of ours, the one that totally bailed us out with shingling the roof last fall, is going to be drywalling for us, probably even this week! I have been busy trying to pick out paint colors but we are all over the place with that. It is our usual tug-of-war between something more Pottery Barn contemporary style and something more IKEA modern style. Hopefully we can choose a color soon and start enjoying our room as soon as possible!


Nanette said...

That's awesome!

By the way, did you get a new blog template? Or am I just getting old? Either way, it looks great!

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