About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

You Can't Trust Anybody

The National Weather Service totally lied to me.  They said less than an inch of snow, starting sometime after noon.  So why does it look like this at 11:30am?

Thanks a lot.  I really needed to go to the grocery store this morning and thought I had plenty of time.  I dropped off Rex at school and Rob at work and before we could get home, it was starting to snow pretty good.  I kept thinking it would stop but it didn't.  I consulted with Rob and decided to pick Rex up about 45 minutes early from school because it just kept getting worse and worse.  I see now that the afternoon preschool class was canceled. Smart move, preschool. The roads were pretty bad when I went to get him but it wasn't unmanageable.  The worst part was coming up our fairly steep driveway- I had to put it in 4 wheel drive low which I have never used before (I use 4 wheel drive high frequently but never have had the need for the low setting).  It worked like a charm though and I managed to get the car in the garage without taking anything out or crashing into something.  We will be okay on groceries, just wish we had some milk because we are totally out.  Dang it.

I decided to take this video because although it was unexpected and I am not prepared at all, it is so beautiful.  It was such a big change moving to somewhere that had snow but I love it.  The snow falling on all the trees and houses is just so lovely to watch and it feels so peaceful.  Once, not long after we moved here, it was snowing at night and we looked out at our street and saw 3 deer, just walking down the street like the street was there just for them and that is what they always did.  It was amazing and one of my favorite snow memories.  AND taking the video gave me an excuse to play around with my new iPhone to shoot the video and iMovie to make my little news report.  I had too much fun doing that so be looking for more fun-with-iMovie-videos here on 2054 Miles.  That's Shelby [redacted], live from central Iowa with today's snow report.  Back to you in the studio, Bob.


Nanette said...

ha! I mean, it sucks that they lied, but your post is still funny.

I loved watching the snow in Portland, too, esp at night.

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