About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Sunday, May 12, 2013

5 1/2 Weeks

I seriously don't know where the time goes.  I can't believe my last post was April 4th- over 5 weeks ago!  I keep thinking I should making blogging a Sunday tradition and I am going to try.  Starting today, the plan is to blog once a week on Sundays.  Knowing me it will probably be Sundays for the first few weeks and then evolve into Mondays but here goes.  Sundays for now.

I can't remember too much in April but May has sure been busy.  And let's start with the snow we got on May 3rd.  That's right- snow.  Not a typo.  Here is our street.

It snowed a lot.  You can't really tell because it melted quickly- because it had been up to 82 degrees just a few days before.  Everyone is saying we were lucky the snow was so wet and it had already been warm because it could've been a foot of snow.  I think 5 inches was still quite a bit- for May.  It stuck around for a few days and now it is all back to springtime.  It was really crazy.

Now that Rob and I can both Facetime on our phones, I realized by looking at myself all the time while talking to him that my hair was in desperate need of some lovin'.  I made an appointment and got my hair cut last weekend.  Rob's parting words to me were to not go short.  I love the man, but I don't listen to him so good.

As it turns out, he is really into it after all.  Whew.  My hair is only capable of so much and long hair really isn't great for me.  I'm sure I will grow it out long again, but for now, I'm loving this.  (Side note- every selfie I took looked like I was trying to wink.  I'm sure it has something to do with me concentrating on pushing the button to take the picture and doing the semi-wink as I click it.  Lovely.)

Last weekend we invited some friends over for Cinco de Mayo.  I made carnitas, tres leches cake and refried beans from scratch and it was all delicious.  I was going to make up some horchata from my California horchata stash but it turned out we were busy drinking other Mexican drinks with a little more oomph to them ;-)  The adults anyhow.  The kids were busy with this-

I picked up a piñata at a party store for them and they LOVED it.  It was a last minute idea and I wasn't sure I could find one in Iowa without doing a lot of searching but they had one at the first place I checked.  I can make one but it takes a while and I didn't have the time for that.  I think we all had a great time and I will definitely be making my own beans again because they were awesome.

Rob decided to take off Thursday and Friday from work and have a 4-day weekend.  Sort of a mini staycation here at home.  And the past few days have been so much fun- he definitely needs to do this more often.  Thursday morning he took Rex to preschool then came back and picked me and Wyatt up and the 3 of us went out to breakfast.  I also got to take a little time off for me that afternoon while Rob watched the boys and I got a pedicure and got my nails done.  I must say, it feels wonderful to have them done again.  I used to do that all through my 20's but then stopped when we moved here.  I love having them and think I will keep them up from now on.  On Friday, Rex had a school field trip so it turned out that I was able to join them while Rob stayed home with Wyatt.  They spent the previous 2-3 weeks learning about butterflies so the trip was to a garden with a big butterfly house.

Those kids were all so dang cute!  I had a lot of fun.  And I'm a very proud mama- my kid was one of the best behaved.  He is such a good kid and I love him so much!!

Today is Mother's Day and it has been the best day ever.  Rob got up early and went out to pick up donuts for the kids and get my favorite cinnamon crunch bagel for me.  Yum.  I got to take my time getting ready (and paying bills- okay, that part kind of stunk) and then we headed over to the park to run around and play.  We walked back home and got in the car and went to Taco Bell for lunch.  My choice though heavily influenced by my children.  When I say we walked home to get in the car, we only had to walk about halfway because that is where our car is parked while they are redoing our road.  It stinks so bad.  I would be okay with it if our road actually needed it, but it was fine.  I told Rob it is part of the city's  "Fixing Perfectly Good Streets Program".  Sometimes, I think this town has more money than it knows what to do with.  Not that I'm complaining, they just do some weird stuff sometimes.  Like they get grant money and they just don't have enough to spend it on so they make up projects.  Free preschool?  Check.  Awesome library?  Tear it down and make it even more awesome!  Okay, what now?  Let's tear up some roads!  Okay!!

I guess that's enough of a tangent for now.  Rob and I have a date night tomorrow night to go to a banquet that he has to attend.  I think it will be fun and I even know one other person so that's good.  I met this other lady because she is the application coordinator for a nearby university because I'm going to go back to school!!  I'm seriously thinking about applying for Fall 2014 to get my Master's Degree in Community and Regional Planning.  I'm so so excited.  I'm about 90% sure we can make it work and I will be able to do this.  I've been busy figuring out requirements for getting into the program and costs and child care and everything that goes along with this.  It's long been in the back of my mind (since before we even moved to Iowa) to do this and I am beyond thrilled that I will be able to get that master's degree.  Anyhow, I am looking forward to date night and eventually, more school.  Exciting stuff around here!


Nanette said...

Woo hoo! Exciting stuff! Back to school!? You'll do great, I just know it! :)

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