About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Where the Wild Boys Are

The wild boys are here.  It's been a long time since I blogged so here is a recap of their latest adventures.

Rex's birthday

Play Pals at city gym on Friday mornings.  Apparently they love it because we are always counting down to Fridays when we can go again!

Swimming lessons for Rex-

We try to go to the aquatic center (our super-fancy city pool) once or twice a week.  It has a lazy river, waterslides and a special toddler/little kid area.  And a snack bar, which is where this picture was taken.

Firefighters are big around here.  The library had one of their story times at a fire station which was so awesome for the boys.  And then there is Wyatt, pretending to be a firefighter in our front yard.

We spruced up the playroom (which used to be Wyatt's room) and now most of their toys are in there.  We even made a little play kitchen for them as seen on Pinterest and, well, everywhere on the internet.  But this way they got a manly kitchen and it was cheap.

They mostly love to pretend to wash things in the sink and turn that faucet off and on.  There was major disappointment that it wasn't a working faucet but they got over it. I bought the old entertainment center from craigslist for $10, spent $5 on contact paper for the "countertop" and $6 for the bowl which became their sink.  The faucet was found by the side of the road for free (someone put out their old bathroom cabinets, countertop and sink so we helped ourselves to the faucet).  Not bad.

I don't have any 4th of July stuff to share because we pretty much skipped right over it.  We didn't go anywhere or have people over- we were busy with our front yard project.  The local fireworks show wasn't even on July 4th, it was the next night, but we did watch the fireworks on PBS and NBC.  We thought about going watch fireworks the next night but Rex was too tired- they don't start until about 9:45 pm here- so we stayed home and put him to bed.  Wyatt was still awake but winding down quickly.  Things have been pretty busy around here but hopefully it won't be another month before I get another opportunity to blog again!


Nanette said...

What fun! (And I'm glad I didn't buy the boys that play BBQ set. I had considered it previously.)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say Hi. Your front yard came out very nice. The boys are growing fast. They look great.
-Joe Simone

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