I know there are a lot of people out there who think Halloween is an awful and evil day but I refuse to let it be that. It is a fun day where kids and adults can dress up in costumes and eat candy. What's not to like about that? How can a day where I get to dress up Rex to look like a penguin be bad? He's adorable! So I got Rex his penguin costume a few months ago thinking that the nice padded outfit with feet and a hat would be good because certainly it would be cold on Halloween. HA! It's almost 70 degrees today. We took cookies and candy to my former place of employment so he could wear his costume somewhere since he's not going to be trick or treating. We were going to take cookies to Rob at work too but one outing in the outfit was all he could handle. So more cookies for us- that's not so bad.
We've had a lot going on lately. We had a wonderful visit from Rob's sister (Rachel), her husband (Jon) and our niece (Lucy) about two weeks ago. They had not been to Iowa yet so Rob showed them around a little and they were able to meet Rex for the first time which was great. I was trying to get a picture of Rachel with the kids but trying to get a 20-month old kid and a 4-month old baby to both hold still for a photo at the same time is impossible.
The day after they left, the three of us headed to the airport so we could all go to California. Rob was going to work on a race car and Rex and I could visit family. Rex did great all through security and waiting to get on the plane but when we were seated on the plane, I thought he started looking a little iffy. I knew he was not too sure about what was going on and was definitely uncomfortable with all of it. Then the pilot started talking and the speakers were pretty loud and Rex just totally lost it. He's only cried like that two other times where he was just screaming and inconsolable. I realized that the flying thing was not a good idea. So Rex and I got off the plane and Rob went to California to race. He had a pretty good time when he was racing but we were all pretty miserable other than that. We decided the family being apart for a week was not a good idea and that we would not be doing that again. Hopefully he will get better about it but I don't think we'll be trying flying again for a while.