About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Donate Blood

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pure Genius

I was having trouble getting my pictures to upload to my blog here and to Flickr so I decided to make an appointment with the Genius Bar at my local Apple store last Sunday. Then I noticed there was a workshop on the new software that I use for photos and video so I signed up for that too. I learned so much at the workshop and was so glad I went. I had my appointment right after and the guy that helped me with my computer was totally a genius- they don't call it the "Genius Bar" for nothing. He synced up my email with the mail program on the computer, he figured out how to get my computer to recognize the video camera and solved my problem with uploading pictures. Flickr and Blogger need to help us Mac users out though because their sites don't work with the new iLife '08 software and I have to do more work to get my pictures up. This probably isn't too exciting for anyone else, but for me it was huge. So here is something probably everyone does want to see..

Notice the rolls on the legs. Oh yes, that's a lot of rolls. I tried to weigh him a week or so ago and he weighs 18 pounds. Whoa! That's a big kid. I took out all his 6-9 month size clothes this morning and started washing them up because it's about time to move up to that size. His pants are looking a little Payne Stewart-ish these days.

On my trip to Des Moines I also stopped at Old Navy where I got Rex a cool "Super Robot Ninja" shirt. I also went to Barnes and Noble and got him a stuffed T-Rex and this awesome book. Seriously, how cool is that book?! Rob thought I was a little crazy for getting our baby a scary T-Rex when most kids have teddy bears but he seems to like it just fine.

The visit with Rob's parents was wonderful. We all had a really good time. Pop did some chores for us around the house, like putting together Rex's jumperoo which is going over really well.

We didn't do too much as far as going out places or even eating out anywhere- it's just too difficult still with a 3-month old baby. Now I'm preparing for our next set of visitors that arrive on Friday. Yay!! Here's some pictures of Rex with his Gram and Gramps and then I better get going because I have a long list of chores to get done and Rob wants to know when I'm going to make the Chex Mix that I bought all the ingredients for a while back. I have caught him eating the peanuts that go in it so I better get to it before my ingredients all disappear!


Nanette said...

Is it just me or is his hair getting lighter? And those rolls! The better to gobble him up with! :)

Rachel said...

Oooooh, I can't wait! :-) We'll be there soon!

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