About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Donate Blood

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No Excuses

Last time I had a good excuse for not posting for a while but that is not the case now. I have no excuses. I wasn't really in the mood for it and now I have so much to share it's overwhelming. So first, a little about me for a change. I got a new cell phone that I am pretty excited about. My old one would just randomly turn off and on whenever it felt like it so it was time for something new. By the way, that phone was the replacement one because the previous one just started vibrating one day and would not stop unless you took the battery out. No Nokia phone for me this time. I'm getting used to all the features on the new one but I really like it so far. And it stays turned on so double bonus. I went to a meeting that the city was holding for the development of property maintenance standards and it was kind of fun to be in the planning world again and as a citizen this time. Best of all, I got to listen for a while and say what I wanted to say but then I didn't have to stay and listen to the crazies. And I could roll my eyes at them if I wanted to. One lady wanted to outlaw lighter fluid because she didn't like the smell and "people use too much of it to start their barbecues." Wow- that's pretty crazy and I heard quite a lot of crazy stuff in 7 years working in city planning. I miss it, but I love being home with Rex. I was going to try and get on the Planning Commission here but at the last minute decided not to because it's just not the right time for our family. I will one day though- unless I end up working there.

Rob and I had a very nice anniversary. We had to take a picture because it really made us laugh. On Feb 2, 2007, we were in Carmel getting married. On Feb 2, 2008, we went back to Carmel for anniversary. We went to the beach where we were married and ate dinner at the restaurant where our reception was held. This year?

Oh yes- we went to the Red Lobster that is about three miles from our house. AND we used gift cards and coupons. Seriously though, we really did have a nice time and it only cost us 5 bucks. A friend came to the house and stayed with Rex and we had a good time being out and about all by ourselves. It was only the third time we've been out to eat in a restaurant since Rex was born so we enjoy the very rare chance to do that. He hates the carrier so there is no way to take him to a restaurant until he gets just a little bigger and can sit in a highchair and eat with us.

Rex's latest thing is blowing and spitting while he is eating. Super. When I tell him no, he can not do that while he eats, he just gives me the cutest smile and giggles and makes it very hard for me to keep a straight face. I'm sure I will toughen up soon though because I'm getting tired of cleaning it all up. He is not crawling yet but he keeps working on it. He gets his legs going pretty good but just can't get anywhere with it. He has figured out how to roll over on his side and wiggle forward then he rolls back on his stomach. He keeps repeating that to move forward which is a lot of work and doesn't get him too far. Very funny to watch though! He has been drinking out of a sippy cup for a few days now. We tried with water first and he screamed and just got so excited. When we tried to give him water in his bottle, he flipped out and hated it. I guess he was expecting milk/formula with the bottle so that was why that did not work. But he loves water and apple juice out of his cup!

This post has gone on for a while now so I guess I should wrap it up. I'm supposed to host Bunco again tomorrow night since my turn in December got snowed out. So of course, there is snow again in the forecast for tomorrow. I hope it doesn't get canceled again!


Rachel said...

I love the sippy cup!!!
How was Bunco?

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