Although he took a few nibbles at it, I discovered that he would rather bang it on the tray than actually eat it.
The sippy cup doesn't always work for him so we tried to pass some water to him using a straw. He doesn't drink out of the straw- we put the straw in the cup and get water in it then put our finger over the end then let the water dribble into his mouth. It didn't work out so good but I think he may like snorkling with his dad though someday.
Rex has a similar trick with his spoon. Now that he has two teeth on top to match the two on the bottom, he likes to catch things between the teeth and hold on. I think he is part crocodile because it is impossible to get that spoon loose sometimes.
Finally, he has learned to hold his bottle all by himself while he drinks it. What a treat for me!
So those are Rex's latest accomplishments in the world of food. He is eating meats now though we have to disguise it in with the vegetables because he can not stand the taste of the meat by itself. Please don't let him know what we are up to!
love it!!!!!!!!
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