About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Friday, May 8, 2009

Back Yard Landscaping is Complete!

Last Friday, we had 7 yards of mulch delivered by a local nursery. That night, Rob and I began the work of clearing out all the weeds and putting the mulch down. We were not really prepared for how long that would take and we didn't get that all finished until Tuesday. There were a lot of trips between the front and back yards, carrying the mulch in trash cans from the front and then dumping it in the back. Rob also installed edging all around the grass in the yard and in our side yard. We went to the nursery on Tuesday and they delivered 31 plants to us Wednesday morning. Both of us wanted to use plants that look more like wildflowers as opposed to a formal garden look. I chose Russian sage, purple coneflower, shasta daisy, Eva Cullum phlox, black eyed susan and 2 varieties of yarrow (moonshine which is yellow and strawberry seduction which is red). Here are some pictures I took of the yard this morning.

Rob also built a raised planting bed which you can see at the rear of the yard. I'm going to plant my vegetable garden in that but I need to get some soil for the bed first. You can also another small box in the first photo and that is where I am going to plant my dahlia bulbs. I have to dig those up before the winter every year so it will be nice to have them contained in that small box. Rob found all the lumber being stored in our attic (left from the previous owner) so it didn't cost anything to make the boxes. We also planted three rose bushes along the fence in that first photo. I have a lot of seeds to plant still and some seedlings that I have started here in the house that will need to be moved outside eventually. Perhaps I should have said that this phase of the landscaping is complete- I think there will always be more to do!

P.S.- I just put quite a few more pictures of both the back and front yards on my Flickr page if you want to see more. I also have to show off our two lilacs here because they are beautiful right now- it's just too bad you can't smell them here too because they are wonderful!


Nanette said...

That looks AWESOME! I'm so proud of all the hard work you two have done yourselves!

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