About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Monday, March 26, 2012

Organizational Frenzy

I have been in an organizing mood lately.  I guess it is just spring cleaning and all that getting to me because I am just like a whirlwind around this house, leaving clean and organized spaces behind me as I go.  First up, inspired by Nanette's post about pantry organization a while back, were my 2 pantries.  There is a cabinet in the kitchen and then a little closet around the corner from the kitchen and things just kind of floated between the two.  Now everything has a place.

I am kind of wishing I had taken the Coors Light box out before I photographed the second pantry but oh well.  Just keepin' it real.  Wal-Mart had all those little black storage tubs on clearance so I grabbed nearly every set of black ones they had.  Some of them are being used in the garage (another organization project currently under way) but most of them were used in here.  I also purchased the small trash can with lid to store all the grocery sacks because I am bad and don't take my own.  I used to and someday when I don't have to take a 3 year old and 1 year old with me to shop, I will use them again.  And we either reuse the plastic bags or I take them back to the store for recycling.  Anyhow, I love to just stand in front of the pantries now and look at how organized they are.  I also did our entryway closet.

It was all a jumble before but now umbrellas, Rob's hats, my hats, and my purses all have their own spot.  Gloves, scarves and the boys' beanies are in baskets on a small bookshelf across from this where they can get to their stuff easier.  There is also a coatrack there for them and when we are too lazy to open the door and hang ours up.  Keepin' it really real now.  And you can see from my previous post about cord organization that I am also working on the office.  The office and the garage are bigger projects that are taking a while and I haven't even started the two badboys yet- Rob's workshop and the laundry/storage area of the basement.   I need to order a Dumpster though when I get to those- no joke.

Anyhow, when we haven't been working on the garage and other organizing projects, we have been watching the NCAA tournament.  Rob and I each filled out a bracket and we have a bet going.  I also filled one out on ESPN and was doing really well for a while (top 1%) until Florida and Wisconsin broke my heart and lost close games.  My little underdogs lost and now my bracket's in the crapper.  Well, I'm still in the top 4% but my brackets were looking outstanding for a while there.

The boys are doing good.  Wyatt is getting so big and I can't believe he is almost two years old.  They are both so funny.  See what I mean?

Not quite how an easel works

Oh, they crack me up all the time.  I love those guys.


Anonymous said...

Two cutest (and funniest) little boys anywhere! Love you, Rex & Wyatt! Nana (& Papa, too)

corner pantry cabinet said...

Those guys looks so happy:) I love this pic!

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