About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Friday, October 26, 2012

Our First Big Family Vacation Recap

About two weeks ago, our entire family of four boarded a plane and flew out to California for a 10 day vacation.  I was pretty nervous about taking Wyatt on a plane and I am happy to report that he did super good on each of our four flights.  Rex did good too though I wasn't so worried about him since he is 4 and a little easier to keep busy and entertained.  We landed in Fresno on Saturday (Oct. 13th) night and promptly headed to the nearest In-N-Out Burger for some dinner.  Words can not even describe how delicious and wonderful it tasted to me.  The next day we spent some time with Rob's family.

Uncle Jon playing with Wyatt and Elliott

Rob and Lori

We had German sausage and visited and played games and had a great time.  The next day we were due to head over to Morro Bay for a couple days at the coast but Wyatt woke up sick.  Everyone else headed over there in the morning and Wyatt was well enough by the afternoon that we finally headed over there too.  We got there in time to enjoy a little time at the beach and all have dinner together at Lolo's.

Wyatt in front of Morro Rock

Looking for shells

Dinner at Lolo's in Morro Bay

As Gramps told the waitress, it was the first time he had gotten to go out to dinner with all four of his grandkids so that was a pretty special dinner for all of us.  AND I finally got the horchata I have been longing for so that was awesome too.  (Side note- I came back with 15 packets of horchata mix in my suitcase.  Oh yeah.)  We spent the rest of the time fishing off the pier (no luck), eating, shopping and playing at the park.  Since Wyatt hated the beach and the park (he hates to be dirty and couldn't deal with all the sand sticking to him), it was kind of tough to find things to do for him but I had a great time and I think Rob and Rex did too.

We headed back to Visalia and that was when Rob pretty much disappeared for the next 4 days.  He was racing at the Trophy Cup race in Tulare and we barely saw him.  We did visit him at the race car shop one day which the boys were loving.  I took the boys all over the place, visiting friends and family and seeing all kinds of things.  I was even lucky enough that Nanette and her daughter were in Visalia for a few days so we got to spend some time with them too.

Rex in sprint car

Wyatt in midget car

Popsicle Break!

Aunt Megan and the boys

Me and Nanette

One highlight of the trip for me was a little reunion of sorts that we had with my city of Fresno co-workers.  I miss everyone from there so much and miss working in planning and it was great to talk to them and catch up and see everyone's kids- we have all been busy!  We all took a picture together too and hopefully it won't be so long before those guys again.  Thanks again to Dawn and Rod for hosting and getting us all together!

City of Fresno Reunion

We spent the last couple of days back in Fresno with Rob's family and Grandpa Rusty drove down to Fresno to see us too.

Grandpa Rusty and the boys

Gram and the boys

Gramps and Wyatt

It was a long trip and after 10 days, we were ready to head home this past Tuesday.  The flights out there had gone so well but the flights home were not so good.  Everything was fine when we left Fresno until our descent into Denver.  It was probably the most turbulence I have ever experienced and it made me feel pretty queasy.  I knew Rex couldn't be doing well if I wasn't and sure enough, he lost it.  And lost it again.  And a few more times before we got off that plane.  Even Wyatt was fighting it back and telling me "Mommy, it hurts."  Oh, my poor babies.  When we got off the plane, Rob told us that all 3 of us looked awful.  Our next flight ended up being delayed for over 2 hours which was kind of a blessing because the boys got to rest and nap a little before having to get on a plane again.  Rex continued to be sick in the airport and once or twice on the flight from Denver to Des Moines but we made it finally and were very happy to see our own house again.  We had such a great time seeing friends and family and going to the beach and eating our way through the Central Valley.  Thanks to everyone who came to see us and invited us to their home and took care of us while we were there!


Anonymous said...

What a good story of your trip out here. We sure loved having everyone and we are looking forward to you all coming again....anytime is fine with us. Love you all, Nana

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