About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Thursday, November 1, 2012


I'm such a bad blogger, that I'm not even sure what "NaBloPoMo" stands for.  I think maybe National Blog Posting Month?  Anyhow, the goal of it I do know and that is to blog every day for a month.  Now since I have been such a terrible blogger for 2012, I'm going to challenge myself to do this.  I tried before and failed.  But any increase in blogging productivity would be good and hopefully I can do this for the entire month of November.  Challenge Accepted.

Last night was Halloween and we were so ready.  Rex has been talking since November 1st 2011 about how he wanted to be Handy Manny.  We got him all dressed up and he looked awesome.

Rex Halloween

The t-shirt wasn't quite right but I had a hard time figuring out how to get the two-tone green shirt like Manny wears since it isn't for sale anywhere.  I finally had some ideas yesterday with using fabric paint but by then it was too late.  I'm still very happy with how it all turned out though.  AND everybody knew who he was supposed to be so that made me feel good.  Wyatt was a whole different story.  He dressed up as.... a crabby 2 year old who wouldn't wear a costume but still wanted candy.

Wyatt Halloween

He loves all thing "fiderfiders" (firefighters for those of you who don't speak Wyatt) so I got him a firefighter costume for Halloween, thinking he would be totally excited for it.  It turned out, I couldn't get him near the thing.  I tried all day.  Rex tried.  Rob tried.  He wouldn't listen to any of us.  Rob and Rex left to go trick-or-treating and then the real meltdown started.  He had his blue pumpkin bucket and he wanted to go out with his brother and get candy.  Thankfully, I had the skeleton hoodie that I coaxed him into so he was a little Halloween-ish even if he wasn't wearing a full-on costume.  I called Rob on the phone and he stopped back by to pick up Wyatt and then took both the boys out.  My husband is awesome- it couldn't have been easy managing those two.

We had lots of trick-or-treaters stop by.  It is amazing to me how many of the kids, mostly the older ones, don't even say trick-or-treat.  Or thank you.  Or anything at all.  Just ring my doorbell, wait for the candy and then take off.  It is a little bit irritating.  The little kids are pretty good at it because they have their parents there coaching them and even if they didn't get it all right, who cares?  They are little kids and are trying to figure it all out still.  Eh.  I do love Halloween and seeing everyone get dressed up because the kids are just so darn cute.  The first one we had last night was a little Captain America.  How does that not make you smile?

I guess that's it for today.  Until tomorrow...


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