About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Monday, October 7, 2013

Blogger Funk

So I have had no desire to blog at all for the last month or more.  Sorry about that.  We have plenty going on to share, I just don't have a lot of time to sit down at the computer and share.  I will try to be better and I'm going to set the goal (once again) of blogging every Monday.  Let's see how I do this time.  I should at least blog as practice for typing because without going to work and typing reports for the last five years, my typing is suffering.  I'm slow.  And I make more than my share of typos.

At least one person in our house has been sick for the last month.  Rex brought us home a cold from his second week of kindergarten and we've been struggling ever since.  First mine turned into the most awful sinus infection I've ever had.  Then Rex had a double ear infection which also gave him a bloody eye- he looked like he went a round with Mike Tyson or something.  It was bad but the eye drops from the doctor cleared that part up in like a day.  Now Wyatt has a cold again and his right ear is infected.  He coughs so much, my poor baby.  He is getting better though too.  Hopefully Rob can stay healthy- he's done good so far!- and the rest of us will all be better soon.  With all the doctor visits we've had lately, the boys and I have gotten our flu shots out of the way so that is one good thing about all this.  Here we all are, happy despite being sick (I think Rex and I were both pretty bad at this point).

Wyatt has two big goals he needs to accomplish and we finally knocked out one of them.  I decided probably six months ago that when his current pacifiers (he had four) were lost or destroyed, that was it.  And don't you know, those last four would not die???  We lost one of them but those last three were indestructible and un-loseable.  I finally just had to tell Wyatt, "It's time for the papas (what he called them) to go.  You are a big boy and those are for babies.  Throw them out and I will take you to buy a new toy."  He took one last hit off of them, and they were gone.

As promised, we headed out to the store where he picked out some new Thomas the Train stuff to expand his train empire.

Now to get him potty-trained.  I wonder how much that is going to cost us in new toys!!  He is so resistant to using the toilet.  Please say your prayers for us- we need them!

Since Wyatt starts preschool next year, I've been giving a lot of thought to what my next move will be.  Going back to work and making money certainly holds a lot of appeal but I have always wanted to go back to school to get my masters in urban and regional planning.  I've been talking to our closest university that has that program to see if we can make it work and it turns out, we can!  So I'm now in the middle of applying to grad school for Fall 2014.  My application isn't due until February 1st but I want to get it done early and turned in asap.  I need to get all my college transcripts and letters of recommendation too which is proving to be difficult.  My two former planning managers that I would like to write letters for me have both retired and moved on and it is taking a little while to get in touch with them.  It's a good thing I have a lot of time to do this!  Although I've met with staff and faculty already, I'm attending an official Open House event next month that I am really looking forward to.

In other career news, I am taking the AICP exam to be a certified planner.  That test is on November 11th.  So if you say a prayer about the potty-training, please add this request in too.  It's not cheap and it's not easy so I would really like to pass on my first try.  Since I don't have a planning degree, I've had to study extra super-duper hard to learn all the material.  I will sooo be ready on the first day of grad school, let me tell you!  IF I can remember all this material by next August ;-)

In a last bit of news, we have lots of trips to California planned- some soon and one (the big family one) that we are still working on.  Rob will be going out later this month to race and I will be going to LA to visit my lovely friends Nanette and Tricia in November.  I have yet to meet the adorable Mimi (Nanette's youngest daughter who will be almost 9 months old when I'm there) and I couldn't pass up the chance to see pregnant Tricia!  I am way excited.  And I get to eat In-N-Out Burger.  And Versailles.  Oh boy, my mouth is watering already.  AND there is lots of estrogen time and shopping and all that girl stuff.  I love all my dudes, but it will be nice to be around girls for a few days!  Finally, we are all planning on coming out next summer.  I am shooting for around the July 4th holiday but we will have to see how that all works out.  I will be sure to keep everyone posted on that.  Thanks for reading and check back next Monday because (hopefully) I will have more for you then!

Here are a few more funny pictures of the boys just because.  Just because they are adorable!!!


Nanette said...

1. I'm the queen of Blogger Funk. Such a bad, bad blogger.

2. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.

3. Exciting grad school stuff! I'm sure you'll be amazing!

4. EEEEE! So excited for your visit!

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