About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Monday, November 18, 2013

Shelby's Busy Life

So I've missed the last two Mondays but I was on vacation in LA for one and then taking a monster exam on the other.  Hoping to be better in the future!

Usually, I'm the last one to have anything going on.  Ok, I probably have more than Wyatt but it doesn't take much to have a busier schedule than a 3-year old.  The first half of November has been all about me though.  I kind of like it ;-)  It started on November 1st when I flew out to Los Angeles to visit my good friends Nanette and Tricia.  They live within 10 miles of each other but weirdly, I know them from different points in my life.  Just a total coincidence that they both live in the LA area and not far from each other.  Things got a little crazy and I almost called off the trip due to a shooting at LAX that morning.  Fortunately, for me and for Tricia who was picking me up, things were mostly back to normal by the time I got in.  I was a little delayed because a huge Delta airplane ran over a luggage truck and blocked our gate when we got in.  But that's just funny.  We had to wait an hour on that stupid plane which wasn't so funny but every time I'd get mad about sitting there, I'd think about that plane and luggage truck crash and I would start to giggle.  I had so much fun with both of the girls.  Tricia and I shopped at Third Street Promenade, stopped by to look at the beach in Santa Monica and perhaps most importantly, she took me to get Mexican food at El Cholo AND to In-N-Out.  Love that girl!

Nanette and I started out our portion of my trip with free massages that she won from Bliss Spa via Twitter and Paypal.  A massage is great but a free one at a swanky place?  Even better.

We also went shopping at The Grove and ate at the Farmer's Market, Rush Street, Brooklyn Water Bagels (they seriously taste like New York bagels- I couldn't believe it) and Versailles.  So much good food.  I would totally recommend every single place I ate at during my trip. But then it was time to go home and I realized something- I still love to visit California and LA, but I don't want to move back.  I love Iowa.  Everything went great with my flights home, just as they did on the way out there. I came home loaded down with so much stuff.  I'm really looking forward to this being an annual trip! (Please Rob?)

Once I was back in Iowa, it was time to buckle down and study every second I could for my AICP exam (so that I could be a certified urban/community/city planner) on November 11.  I had already put in a lot of time studying, including while traveling on my trip, but I needed more.  As much as I could get.  I have no degree in planning and I took exactly one planning class in college, 15 years ago.  I haven't even worked as a planner for almost seven years!  Rob took care of everything in the evenings and over the weekend so that I could study my brains out.  And thank goodness I have him because I needed that time.  I would guess I spent between 80-100 hours studying for the exam.  The test is really hard and draining- it is 170 questions and multiple choice.  But nothing is a simple, trivia-type question.  It is all critical thinking and lots of times there are several right answers but you have to pick the best one.  Tons of them were set up where you have four options and then you have to pick the right combination of those four (I and II; I, II and III, etc).  It was crazy and as soon as I was done, a monster headache set in.  I think my brain was just hurting and tired at that point.  Seriously.  They give you your score right away, while you are still sitting at your testing station.  I could feel my heart just pounding in my chest as I waited for my score.  I passed- YAY!! It's expensive and very time-consuming and I did NOT want to go through it again.  So now I am an AICP certified planner (though I can't use the designation until I get my first bill and pay my dues)!

In more Shelby career-related news, I attended an open house for all potential graduate students in the Masters in Community and Regional Planning program at the school I am applying to for Fall 2014.  The day was actually for anyone applying to the College of Design for post-grad work and it was pretty funny for me to be mixed in with a lot of artsy types.  I can't even draw.  It's sad.  Anyhow, I spent a lot of time talking with current students and professors and learned a lot and made some good connections with staff and professors.  When I introduced myself and gave a little info, I mentioned that I had just passed the AICP exam this week.  The professor in charge of my program looked at me and said, "Well I don't know what we are going to teach you then!"  I assured him I still have plenty to learn.  I am super-excited about the program and next August feels about 100 years away.  I wish I could have started today.

Now that all that is over with, I need to get back to my house because it needs a lot of attention.  Not only does it need regular maintenance, but my parents are visiting for Thanksgiving and will be here on Wednesday so it needs the company-is-coming treatment!  I suppose I have stalled enough this morning and should get to my chores.  Yuck.


Nanette said...

Such a great time with you! I'd love if it became an annual thing, too! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so HAPPY you came to visit! It was so much fun and yes, please make it an annual thing!!! Would be awesome! And congrats on passing your test!!! I knew you would. :)


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