About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Donate Blood

Friday, September 26, 2008

Writer's Block

Rob's watching Rex and the presidential debates so it's a great time for me to blog but I'm feeling uninspired and having a tough time thinking of things to write about. Rex has been sleeping great through the night this week. He has been going to bed between 9:00 and 10:00 at night and sleeping until between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. He eats and then goes back to sleep for anywhere between 45 minutes and 2 hours. Here he is yesterday morning- he actually slept until 9:00 a.m. that day! It made me a little nervous and I kept checking on him often but he was fine- just pretty tired, it would seem. Hopefully I didn't just jinx him by telling everyone how great he is doing.

Let's see... What else? I'm doing a LOT of baking and cooking these days. I really enjoy baking quick breads and cookies and now Rob has threatened to take my oven away if I make him fat. Hmm- better be careful I don't make either one of us fat because I don't want to end up there either. Anyhow, my latest batch of cookies was my happiest moment in the kitchen so far. My friend Carrie (from jr. high and high school) always had the best cookies at her house- her mom made them and all I could remember is that they had rice krispies and white chocolate chips in them. I've tried to find the recipe but I don't know the name of them or anything. I finally discovered the recipe in my Allrecipes.com Tried and True Cookies cookbook. Rob came home yesterday and I said, "You have to try one of my cookies- they're in the pantry!" He got one and then walked in the living room and said, "These just may be the best cookies you've ever made!" I said, "I KNOW!" So I told him about my friend Carrie and how I wanted these cookies but could never make them because I didn't have the recipe. Now that I do, look out. I made pork loin with pears from my Dream Dinners cookbook the other night and it was very tasty. Rob's parents will be here next week and I'll be making it again while they are here. So good and so easy because you can make it in the crock pot. I went to my bunco group last Friday and cooked up some apricot and raspberry cream cheese thumbprint cookies, pumpkin bread and artichoke dip (this recipe only without the peppers). All were enjoyed very much by the ladies and now I'm nervous for next month because they are expecting something really good again! I think I'm going to try this pretzel peanut bark I watched Paula Deen make this week. I think I'll do a test batch next week for my visitors and see how it goes over.

We took Rex's 3-month old pictures last Saturday at a place that I will never be going back to. I made the appointment about 10 days ahead and when we all got there, the idiot who I made the appointment with had not put it in the computer and now someone else had our appointment. I showed my appointment card to the girl to verify that I had been given that time but she did not seem to care. So the two girls who were also there got their pictures taken and we got screwed. They ended up doing our pictures about 45 minutes later because, as the dumbass employee told me, I was "lucky that the next appointment canceled." Really??? What about my day seemed lucky? I was so mad and upset about it all- I kept my mouth shut through most of it because if I had started in on her, I don't know that I could have stopped. Trying to get a 3-month old dressed up and transported to get his picture taken without having any spitting up incidents or without him falling asleep is no easy task. We actually managed to get a clean, well-dressed and happy baby to the place EARLY and then that happened. What a bunch of crap. Thankfully, the pictures turned out well and we can pick them up on Wednesday- and that will be the last time I ever set foot in that place.

So that's about it for us- I guess I found something to say after all!


Rachel said...

I'm bummed the "picture place" didn't work out but that the pictures did. Can't wait to see them.
Oh, and I'm planning to fast for 3 days before we come and visit...then I'll cash in all of my points when we arrive :-)

Anonymous said...

I get so hungry reading your blog! I'm going to have to try those rice krispy cookies! Oh, and I splurged on trying out the dream dinners for the month. So far so good! Hope your headache finally went away and that it stays away! I miss you! Call me when you get a free moment!

Amy said...

Hey, I'm not too much of a moron anymore. I am actually commenting. As for pictures and small children. There aren't words for the young non -parent people who work at those places and have no idea what you just went through to get your child there on time. Been there and am trying to suppress angry feelings right now!

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