About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

My 200th Post!

Wow, 200 posts! I was hoping the baby announcement would coincide with this special blogoversary but I did not want to put off the big announcement any longer. But since I need a special topic for this special post, let's recap my wonderful sister's wedding this past Saturday!

Originally uploaded by NannersP

- Thanks Nanette for taking such a nice photo during the wedding!

I was so thrilled when Megan asked me to be her matron-of-honor and I have been looking forward to this for months. I was excited about our trip and seeing everyone but this just made it even better. Being pregnant and having to go dress shopping is a little tricky since it's like hitting a moving target. I had no idea what size I would be for the wedding but I just took my best guess and made sure I bought a dress that was forgiving if I was a little off. It worked out just fine. Whew. So last Friday, I went with my parents to the wedding location to help decorate and then rehearse.

Doesn't it look so nice in there? It was a harvest theme which I just adored since I love autumn so much. There were lots of pumpkins, autumn leaves, corn stalks, hay bales, candy corn, gourds and pomegranates all around, inside and out. The gift for everyone was little jars of homemade pomegranate jelly. Yum. I haven't broken into any of the 3 jars I grabbed, but I plan on doing that very soon. After we got the decorating finished, it was time to rehearse.

This is Jim, the groom and my new brother-in-law, helping us out with the order of events.

Dad practicing walking Megan down the aisle.

On Saturday, I spent most of the day with Megan. We went and got our hair done and then headed over to the wedding location to get dressed. It seems like I didn't do that much and yet the time was just flying by! Here's Megan getting dressed and ready to go.

Everything went really smoothly. Well, almost. The groom forgot to bring his shoes but my parents were able to pick them up and bring them to him so it turned out just fine. The ceremony was great. Jim told the story of how they met. I've heard my sister tell it a few times but hearing it from him was great too. The reception was a lot of fun and the food was great.

One of my favorite things about the whole day though was when Jim surprised Megan and sang her a song at the reception.

I think everyone had a good time. I know I did and the bride and groom did. That's what is most important, right? Not me, but that they enjoyed their wedding. Congratulations to my sister and her husband!

P.S.- Nanette has a lot of really good pictures of the ceremony on one of her posts.


Nanette said...

Megan couldn't have had a better matron of honor! :) And we totally forgot to grab favors on the way out! DOH!

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