About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hot Streak

I like to gamble. I don't go to Vegas much or even to any of the nearby Indian casinos- is that even right? Native American casinos sounds weird but Indian seems not PC and like it's people from India. Anyhow, I don't gamble with slot machines, cards or table games much but I do make sure I get my Powerball and Mega Millions tickets- as well as the occasional scratcher- every week. The last two weeks I have been winning all kinds of money- I even got $100 playing Powerball! Altogether I think it's about $160 so far. I've put a lot right back in because the goal is to win a jackpot or at least the $200,000/$250,000 prize, not $100. I'm taking some of my winnings though and putting it towards a special Christmas present... for myself! Honestly, I don't even care about moving to a huge house on the beach or fancy cars or anything like that. I would probably get a new car and a new MacBook and a few small toys (a super-duper DSLR camera for starters) but mostly I'd like it to travel, have something for retirement, and help people and causes I care about. Seriously. I better make sure I get my ticket for tonight too because the Mega Millions jackpot tonight is $104 million. Ok, with that much, I might think about the beach house after all!

Rex is on a hot streak too- he got a fever yesterday and it still is going on today. My poor baby. He does not feel good at all. Hopefully he gets better soon because I hate seeing him like this. Well, maybe not just like this because he looks so cute asleep but you know what I mean.

One thing that is not hot around here is the weather. It snowed this weekend and this will be sticking around. We've had a little snow prior to this weekend but nothing much. It all melted away pretty fast. But this is cold and windy and nasty now. It's nice that we'll have a white Christmas though- I was beginning to think we may not this year. I would have missed that but only a little. The snow and cold is only something to be tolerated in exchange for the pleasant summers, springs and falls that I love so much. I think Rob is liking the snow a little better this year now that he has this:

We have a snowblower now- Yay! No more shoveling. Not that I have done much of it since I was pregnant 2 out of the 3 winters we've been here but I still felt bad for Rob always out there, shoveling the snow. Not anymore though.


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