About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Friday, December 31, 2010

The Best and Worst of 2010

This year was a busy one. Like every year, there were good times and bad. Let's review.


-Wyatt's birth. Hands down the highlight of my year. Seeing him grow and watching him now as he starts to interact with me, Rob and Rex is just amazing.

-Rex. He's 2 and he's pretty crazy and doesn't listen well but man, that kid is so funny and smart! The things he says and thinks about just blow me away sometimes. He is so observant and I love that he is speaking in sentences more now and can relate what is going on in that giant head of his. He is so much fun every day.

-My husband is the greatest. He does so much for our family- he works so hard every day at his job then does so much here at the house too. He is amazing and I love him so much. And an extra special shout-out for tearing the roof off part of our house and fixing it. It was way more work than either of us anticipated but he did great and the house looks and functions better now.

-Visits from friends and family. Thanks so much to everyone who took the time and spent their money to come see us. We really appreciate it and are so happy you did.


-The Floods. Not only did it flood a bunch but we had to boil all our water or use the bottled stuff for almost a week. That was tough. I am thankful though that we had no flood damage at our house and the water issue was all I had to worry about.

-My health. There were the pregnancy and recovery issues that I expected to deal with this year but I also was sick enough to go on antibiotics twice during the first two months of Wyatt's life and then I had the flu two weeks ago. Hoping for better luck in 2011.

-Wyatt's eating and sleeping- really the problem is not eating or sleeping good still. I can deal with it for a while but he is almost 8 months old and only wants breast milk straight from the source. No bottles, no formula, no rice cereal, no oatmeal, no veggies or fruit. Rob has had very little success with applesauce and I've had no success with anything. He makes it so that his tongue blocks any potential opening you may find to get food in his mouth. If you try to push the issue, he just uses that tongue to force everything back out. He is still gaining weight but we are definitely starting to have a supply issue because I can't keep up anymore. He's just too big. AND he wakes up once or twice a night (sometimes even up to four times a night!) to eat. I'm exhausted. He's had a couple of good runs where he sleeps through the night for a week or two and I think we're over the hurdle but then it all falls apart. Will just keep praying and hoping that this gets better. SOON.


Nanette said...

A very great year indeed! Sorry to hear about Wyatt's eating issues. I hope that resolves itself soon.

BTW, when Em refers to Brent's cousin's Wyatt and the Wyatt at her daycare, she adds a "q" to the front -- so it sounds like "Quiet." Heh.

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