About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Donate Blood

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

High and Tight

Rex's hair is so crazy. He has a giant cowlick right in front and he wakes up most mornings with his hair just going every direction possible. I'd been thinking about cutting it really short for a while now and Rob and I decided it was time to do that. However, we had different opinions on how it should be done. Since neither of us has ever used clippers or cut anyone's hair, I thought Rex should go get his haircut at the place we usually take him to. Rob thought we should buy clippers and do it ourselves. Who won?

Rob won. It went... okay. It looked pretty good but Rex was not thrilled with having it done. We learned some things that will make it easier in the future too. I think he looks pretty cute and I love how the hair is not crazy anymore.

It is so cold today. The high is supposed to be 2 but I'm not sure if it even got there. It is supposed to be in the 30s and 40s for the weekend so things are looking better once we get through today. We haven't been doing much lately. Rob is a big Packers fan so we watched the Super Bowl and had some fun snacks on Sunday. Rex even got to eat his dinner in front of the tv, on the floor (like a picnic), and he thought that was pretty cool. He likes to watch football with his dad so it probably went down as one of the top 5 days so far of his life. Rob is teaching him to be a good Packers fan and he likes to yell at the tv, "Go Crackers!" instead of "Go Packers!" which is so funny.

Last weekend we tried out the smoker we got for Christmas. Technically, Rob got it for me, but it really is for all of us. This is what it looks like-

And this is our first attempt at cooking with it. We cooked a small pork roast and it came out pretty good. The little hole in the middle of it is from where the temperature probe goes.

I can't wait to try more meats and more recipes in it. IF Rob will let me take a crack at it. He kind of took over this time, which is fine, but I want to try some stuff too. I'm sure he'll let me. It is a good thing that we are both so fired up about using it. I can't wait to try some turkey in it- Yum! Maybe with the nicer weather we are supposed to have this weekend, we can try it out again.

I went to the dentist (boo!) and to get new glasses (yay!) yesterday. I am so excited about the glasses. My current pair have been rearranged by Rex a number of times now and sit so crooked on my face. I will have to be more careful with my new ones so that he can't get a chance at them or he will break those too.


Anonymous said...

That smoker is humongous! Does it go outside? Too bad you didn't have that when we lived together. :)

P.S. I like Rex's new do!


Anonymous said...

Nice job on Rex's haircut Rob! The winters are brutal over there. It makes my boys shrivel up just reading about it! Awesome smoker. If you are lucky, Rob will let you use it! Take care.
-Fresno Joe

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