About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog- I love to read them. We do try to keep some things private though so please don't use our last name or where we work and live in your comment. Thanks!

Donate Blood

Donate Blood

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Don't Have A Job!

It is so crazy for me to think that I don't have a job anymore! Taking care of the house and my family is work, yes, but I don't have a job with an employer that I claim on my taxes anymore. Friday was my last day at work and I got a beautiful surprise from my parents. Very thoughtful of them and I love the autumness (I'm making up my own word here) of the arrangement.

Monday was my first day as a stay at home mom (now referred to as a SAHM) and I was sooo busy. I just don't want to stay home and eat and watch talk shows and soap operas all day. That's not what this is about. I got showered and dressed, I gave Rex a bath, had both sets of washing machines going, had the dishwasher going and had cleaned both bathrooms by 9:00 a.m. I took a little break for a while and then did some more laundry, went to the grocery store (Rex's first trip there- he slept) and made dinner. I think I got just a little too excited about everything and went a little nuts. I did not accomplish as much on Tuesday but I got to take Rex on a walk and made French Dip Sandwiches for dinner. They were pretty good- I like mine salty though and these were not salty enough. Rob liked them though and they were healthier without so much salt. There is still a lot of the roast left so I'm trying to think of something else to do with it now to mix it up a little. Rob asked for bierocks being the good German guy that he is. I've had them but never made them- might have to check in with my wonderful mother-in-law to see how she made them. I made some lemon bars too last Sunday from my 101 Things To Do With A Cake Mix cookbook.

Rex is still doing really good. He seems to be a lot like me when I was little- resistant to cuddling most of the time and unwilling to take a nap when one is needed. When he's unhappy now and cries, he has tears which makes him look even more pitiful and makes me run that much faster to get him what he needs. I think he's starting to figure out that mom is a soft-touch and will do whatever he wants. Now that I am home, his sleeping seems to be improving. He has slept 6+ hours for the last few nights and then even more after that. Yay!! I tried to weigh and measure him at home yesterday and I came up with 16 pounds and about 25.5 or 26 inches. Wow that's a big kid! Here's a photo of him from last Thursday.


Rachel said...

Bierocks?!??? What time's dinner?

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!!!for babies who sleep at night! Go Rex!
XOXOXOXO from Nana (and Papa, too)

Anonymous said...

Call mom. She will give you the recipe. :) ...yum

Nanette said...

Glad to hear you're doing so well! I'm going to call you soon (as in, the next couple of days), FYI. :)

Anonymous said...

Couple of words for you...jealousy, envy! ;)
Enjoy your time being a SAHM! Keep the posts coming, I'll live vicariously through your fun-filled days w/that cute kid!
- Belinda

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