Nanette came to visit us for a long weekend and brought her daughter along with her. The weather this weekend was rotten (cold and rainy) so we were confined to the house most of the time. The kids played great together and had a lot of fun. The biggest problem was that Rex turned into the Kissing Bandit and I could not get him to stop kissing the two of them! Not such a bad problem to have though, I suppose. Certainly better than having a kid who hits or bites! Nanette and I were able to catch up and we both enjoyed spending time with each other's kids. Rob took good care of us on Mother's Day and fixed a really nice dinner. He also put our new double stroller together so we could take the kids on a walk and go to the park. That's where I snapped the photo above and also these.
It was such a great visit and an added bonus was that it kept my mind busy and not so focused on the baby. I had another appointment with my doctor yesterday and everything is still going wonderfully. Well, I have some numb and tingly fingers because my hand is so swollen but that's temporary. Next time I see her will be Wednesday morning at the hospital- yay!! Only 6 days to go. We still have to move some furniture around to get ready for baby but Rex has been sick and I've had to put off doing that because I don't want our friend to come over while Rex is sick. Oh yes, Rex is sick now. I noticed Tuesday afternoon he had a fever and he didn't want to eat. Yesterday he still had the fever and would not eat or drink anything. I know something is up when the kid won't drink apple juice. I was starting to get nervous about him getting dehydrated so I took him to the doctor this morning. Of course, he drank a ton of juice this morning but we still went anyhow. I wasn't sure what was bothering him- he was crying off and on and seemed to be in pain. I thought maybe he had teeth coming in but it didn't explain why he wouldn't drink anything. Finally, I realized his throat was probably sore which the doctor confirmed. He has a virus that is causing the fever and sore throat but does not have strep throat, thankfully. The doctor said it may last through the weekend but he already seems to be doing much better today. I told a friend it was good to have a distraction right now but I would have liked another type of distraction, preferably something like winning the Powerball jackpot. I am just hoping he feels better soon, that it's totally gone by the time the baby comes home and that I don't catch it. I also hate that I can't really hold and cuddle him like he wants because I don't have much of a lap right now. Poor baby.
How fun that Nanette and her daughter got to visit! You snapped some great photos! i can't believe you're almost ready to deliver!!! That went so fast! Well maybe not for you...I'll be keeping you in my prayers and hope that we can catch up sometime soon. Love and miss you!
A perfect recap for a wonderful visit! It was so great to finally experience a slice of Iowan (is that the correct term?) life!
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