About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Basement Play and Let the Potty Training Begin!

I thought we were doing such a good job on making the basement more appealing for wintertime play- until I saw this photo I took yesterday.

There are a few things working against me- I was taking it with my camera phone and the lighting down there is great but not the best for photos.  Anyhow, I'm trying to get their play area fixed up to give us more options for the winter months and it is coming along good.  I took the playhouse apart and washed it all down on Sunday (when it was warm and sunny) then brought it downstairs and reassembled it.  I also washed up their bbq and set it up so they have a whole little house and yard thing going on with their new picnic table.  Even though they aren't playing with it in this photo, they do spend a lot of time playing in the house and Rex likes to cook up things on the grill and then serve it to me and Wyatt while we sit at the table.  I still have to move some things around down there (like the fireplace surround with the area rug thrown on top of it) but it is almost how I want it.  And good news with the crappy camera situation- I took my camera apart this weekend, by myself thankyouverymuch, and got it working again.  Go me.

Time for the family room project update- all the window and door trim and baseboards have been painted and we are ready for carpet tile install.  Yay!!!  Rob asked me to help him on Saturday while the boys were napping and I agreed.  As it turned out, he wanted me to spackle all the nail holes on the baseboard. There were a lot- I think someone got a little carried away with their new nail gun maybe...  Anyhow, as I was working my way around the room, something on dawned on me.  I asked Rob, "Am I doing this because it's a really crappy job and you just don't want to do it?  Tell me the truth."  He replied, "Yes,  That is it 100%"  Since he had done the spackling on the window trim, I couldn't be too upset that he had gotten me to do the baseboard.  The trim is all painted white (Swiss Coffee to be exact) and looks pretty much the same in pictures as before so I didn't bother to take any more photos.

This morning we went out and did a big grocery shopping trip because we are supposed to get our first snow tonight.  The National Weather Service is predicting 2-4 inches but since it is still pretty warm, I am not expecting much of it to stick around.  But you never know so I figured I would get us all set up for a few days so we don't have to go out.  It also is a great chance to finally get Rex through the 3 day potty training bonanza.  I am kind of dreading it but when I think about not changing his diapers anymore and not having to spend all the money on diapers for him, it doesn't seem so bad anymore.  He is definitely old enough, he understands that he should be doing it, he has used the toilet several times in the past; we just have to make it the daily routine now.  I feel pretty confident that it will work and we will be successful, we just have to make it though the next three very long days.


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