About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Friday, November 25, 2011

Let's Eat Turkey From My Big Brown Shoe

When I went out to pick up the pumpkin pie Wednesday evening, I overheard a kid (probably about 10-12 years old) tell his dad, "They don't have any Thanksgiving songs."  I missed everything else in the conversation so I'm not sure what brought that statement up but I wanted to tell him, "Oh sweetheart, you are too young to know but there is a totally awesome Thanksgiving song out there."  I blame the parents for not raising the boy right.  Then again, he may have been a bit young to hear that song just yet.  My title for this posting is a line from the song, just in case you thought I actually ate Thanksgiving dinner from a brown shoe.

Rob smoked a whole turkey in our smoker and it came out good.  I made most everything else to go with it, except the pie.  I never make the pie.  I have so much else to do and I know I can buy one that will be much better than what I can make so I just do that.  Here's the bird.

It looks different when it comes out of a smoker compared to oven so if you might be thinking it looks burnt, it is not.  It was perfect.  Here are the guys all having a drink and waiting for me to stop taking pictures and sit down so they can start eating.

And the aftermath.

Thanksgiving Aftermath

Everything is cleaned up pretty good by now but man, what a mess!  It was a wonderful day- I think it was supposed to be 68 degrees!  I don't think it maybe got that warm but it was definitely in the 60's which is strange (it set the record for a high) and awesome.  So we had a very nice Thanksgiving here at our house.

I have been looking forward to today so that I can start my Christmas decorating for probably a month now.  And now that the day is here, I haven't done hardly any decorating.  My big issue is that I hate to put anything up now when everything is going to change so much in the next week.  Our tv mount gets here on Wednesday and that should be the day we move everything into the new family room.  AND I'm trying to convince Rob to paint the living room after we move the furniture out so I can't really decorate in either of those rooms.  I did manage to finish up the wreath I was making and I hung it on our front door today.

Hopefully I will be putting up some new pictures next week with everything in our new room and then later after it gets decorated too!


Anonymous said...

I love the wreath! You done good, kid! Love You, Mom

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