About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Monday, February 13, 2012

Getting Pinteractive With My BFF

Like Nanette, I love, love, love, love Pinterest.  I think it is wonderful because I can take all the fabulous ideas I come across and store them all in one place.  Oh how I love organization!  No more thinking, "I loved that paint color I saw in that one living room- now which website was I looking at when I saw it?"  Even when I could remember where I saw it, I sometimes had trouble finding the exact photo/recipe/craft/whatever it was I wanted.  It is also so helpful with the hubs.  Sometimes I have ideas in my head of things I want to do to our house and I use Pinterest to find something similar to show him.  It works much better than explaining- he doesn't always seem to get my vision.  And I can't draw for anything so Pinterest is oh-so-helpful.

Nanette has started a "Pinteractive" link-up party where she is challenging people to make or do things they have pinned and then share your projects.  I thought that would be good motivation for me to tackle some things I have been wanting to do.  I realized though in going through my pins, that I do a good job of following through- especially when it comes to the recipes.  I didn't get a chance to make anything for this inaugural Pinteractive edition but I thought I could go through some of the things I've done so far.


I have tried only one thing exactly and it came out rough.  I'm not very artistic but found a project  (inspired by another Pinterest challenge) where you stick stickers on a canvas and then spray paint over to do some artwork.  I thought it would be great to try this for some cheap Christmas artwork for the house.  It turned out so bad.

Pinterest FAIL

The paint got under the stickers and kind of glued them to the canvas and it just turned into one big hot mess.  The silver background one wasn't so bad and I actually did put that one up.  I had much better success using some Halloween wreaths I found on Pinterest for inspiration and then making my own.

Halloween Wreath


I have pinned a lot of things for seasonal decor inspiration but am now moving onto bedroom decor for all 3 of our bedrooms.  First up is the master bedroom because there have been some attempts at the boys' rooms already and we deserve something next.  I love this color scheme:

We already had stuff in the room in a similar green so now I'm just trying to add the navy blue.  I want to paint the wall our headboard is on too.  I plan on making this one of my Pinteractive projects but it's going to be a while still before I'm ready to share I think.  Mostly because it's going to be a while still before it is warm enough so that we can paint.


I have found some really good things on here, some interesting and some not-so-good.  First of all, this pizza dip is so incredibly delicious.

I had two chicken dishes that didn't go over too great in our house- baked fried chicken and country farm chicken casserole.  I love this list of chicken recipes I found though and I'll keep trying things from it.  I'm sure I'll find some winners.

I really want to try the homemade twix and homemade pop tarts so be looking for the results on those soon in one of my upcoming Pinteractive posts.


I am going to get my haircut on Wednesday so I think I'll save this one for next week's Pinteractive post!  But here are my ideas.



Nanette said...

Love what you've done and what you're planning to do!

Thanks for linking up!

Anonymous said...


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