About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Weekend Full of Projects

Last Friday I came home from work to discover that our garage door would not open. I just parked the car in the driveway and decided I would look into it before I went out to pick Rob up in about an hour. I checked out the garage and noticed something had fallen in front of one of the sensors. I figured that was the issue so I picked it up and put it back and left to get Rob. When we returned home, I was surprised to find it still would not open! Rob checked it out and discovered that one of the springs had broken and that was why it was not opening. This was also why the thing got knocked over and blocked the sensor so I was on the right track- I just didn’t go far enough. We got up Saturday morning and went to the gym and a fundraiser pancake breakfast for the Kiwanis Club then headed over to Lowes to pick up some new springs for the garage door. We briefly entertained the idea of a whole new garage door since ours could use a replacement but decided spending $30 to fix the springs sounded a lot better than $300+ for a new garage door. I ran around and took care of some errands and then cleaned the house while Rob fixed the door. I had planned on making us dinner but was too tired after all my chores and running around- it is amazing how worn out I get now after doing things like that. We decided to order a pizza and watch Michael Clayton since we had both worked pretty hard all day. We both thought the movie was very good- excellent acting and a great story. I would definitely recommend it.

Sunday was more work but it was some fun-work too. I did a bunch of laundry and a little more cleaning but the exciting part was that we put the crib together! Well, Rob did most of it while I helped him by sorting the screws, nuts, bolts and other pieces that came in the box and fetched things he needed to complete the task. It was fairly easy and even pretty funny- for some reason the first page of instructions was only in French! The rest of the pages had the English translation as well but that first page was only in French. Luckily, we both have had French classes so we managed. The crib is pretty much just how I thought it would except it's kind of low to the ground. That's probably good for the first time he decides to climb out of his crib and falls on his butt- not so far to go.

Obviously, we still need to get a mattress for the crib and the twin bed. I have all the crib bedding but I still need to get some for the twin bed. We are waiting for springtime when all the yard sales start to see if we can pick up a glider and changing table for the room. I know we saw a ton of those things last year at yard sales and I think we can find them this year too and save a few dollars there. Here's what his room looks like so far though.


Rachel said...

C'est magnifique!

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