About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Only 10 More Weeks

I just ate some Tums and I'm ready to blog. I will be finishing up 30 full weeks tomorrow which leaves me 10 to go. That's assuming he's on time which, so I've read, only 5% of babies are. So really, who knows how much longer? Here's a picture of me from today. I kind of wish I had taken it in the morning when the hair was looking a little fresher- okay, when everything was looking a little fresher.

I'm really doing good though. It's a little uncomfortable and awkward but it is so much fun to feel him move around and see him getting bigger. He seems to get a little wild in the evenings around 7:00 or so which is good timing because Rob's around then and he can see it and feel it too. Here's what his room is looking like since we got the two mattresses.

Look at that- not even born yet and already leaves his clothes lying on the bed! HA! Okay, that was me. We still have to figure out where to put things which is a little difficult since we keep getting more stuff everyday. That has been wonderful though and it's so great to see how many people care about us and want to celebrate this with us despite the long distance.

I get asked pretty often if I'm having any cravings. I always tell people no but I just realized the other day that I have major attraction to anything with cinnamon on it. I eat a cinnamon toast bagel every morning for breakfast. About two months ago, I had to have a cinnamon roll. I would've loved one from Cinnabon but took a more reasonable route and bought the tube of Pillsbury reduced fat cinnamon rolls I could make at home. I don't want to look like the Pillsbury Doughboy, but I do like to eat some of his reduced fat items. Finally, this weekend a box of cinnamon crumb cake mix found it's way into my shopping cart somehow and I cooked that up on Monday night. YUM! It was really good too. I have noticed a recent increase in my desire for sweets. Normally, sweets are something I could live without- just don't take chips or popcorn away from me. Unfortunately, now I want them both! Now I'm a little hungry. Think I'll go see if there's anymore of that cake left...


Anonymous said...

Do you really think any of us
notice if you even HAVE hair? We're too busy looking at your expanding girth! You look absolutely mahvelous, darling! We love you all. (signed) The Little Guy's Nana and Papa

MeganEWalker said...

You look so cute! I love that picture. Print that one for his baby book!
Love you!!

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