About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sick Of It

Rex had a little bug last week, as I mentioned, that seemed to move through quickly and did not keep him down too long. Being the mama bear that I am, we still went to see the doctor on Thursday even though he seemed much better by then. He had a little rash on his neck and I really wanted to get that looked at too (it's fine). Unfortunately, he picked up some more germs while we were there and on Sunday night was sick again. Argh! I had my antibacterial wipes out and I was trying to wipe down everything and anything he might touch. I also sat us away from everyone else in the waiting room. So despite my efforts, poor Rex got sick twice in one week. The second round was quick and he is totally fine again. I'm just glad I didn't get it myself because I can't fight off anything right now. Here's what Rex looked like for a good part of Monday.

There hasn't been too much else going on around here lately. Rex needs another haircut but we have not had a chance to get him in with him being sick. Rob has been really busy at work this week. And I've been busy with growing a baby- we are in the last trimester now. Time is just flying by with this pregnancy. It is very likely that my doctor is going to induce me a week early so really we only have 11 weeks left. Or less if the new kid decides to come before that- yikes! While there isn't much to do to prepare for the baby, we have a lot of work to do for Rex's new room. Rex is going to be moving into one of the other bedrooms so we can use the nursery for the baby. We have an idea of a theme in mind but can't really decide how we want to carry it out. I have set a deadline of April 30th for the room to be done so we really need to get going on this project. This is our problem with decorating- we can agree on colors and a general direction for it but have a hard time actually picking things out and getting it finished. We have some really good ideas for his room though so hopefully we will get it together and finished soon!


Anonymous said...

Aw, love to see Auntie Belinda's blankie cuddling with Rex! I'll make sure to get "the new kid" an equally fabulous blankie!


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