About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Monday, November 15, 2010

The (Mostly) Terrific Two's

Rex is a fantastic kid. He is and always has been a great sleeper, a great eater and an all-around happy guy. He's two and he does things you would expect a two-year old to do like have little meltdowns but those times are rare. My biggest problem is usually he is trying to "help" with something which means he is actually making what I am trying to do harder. Not such a bad problem to have. He could listen a little better but he does okay. I love that kid so much and wanted to share some of the funny things he has been doing lately.

He has been picking up on a lot of chicks lately. On Thursday, it was a college girl at the grocery store. I couldn't hear him but Rob told me later he was saying what sounded like, "Car? Eat?" Apparently he was trying to ask her out on a date? Then Rob took him to eat burgers Saturday for lunch and there just happened to be a high school dance team dining there. Rex was talking to the girls and Rob said they were all just eating it up. Attention Iowa- lock up your daughters.

Although Rex was picking up on the local girls, I think his true love is Giada deLaurentiis. He can't say "Giada" though so he calls her "Gia". We watch Giada at Home every day at 11:30. (The only other thing he actually asks to watch is Curious George.) He knows when it is time and starts saying "Gia? Gia?" He also pretends to talk to her on the phone. It is so funny. He has also walked up to the tv before trying to give her a kiss. Rob and I think he has made a good pick- besides the age difference and fact that she is already married, of course. She is a good looking woman that can cook too. Good job, Rex. He also likes to mimic what she does on the show. Right now, he stirs everything on his plate at meal times and says "Quick. Quick." I'm guessing one of the episodes recently had Giada giving something a "quick stir" and now he does that too. For a while it was always "heat it up" when I turned the stove on to cook. He knows what a lot of foods are now too thanks to her. He does like everything to do with cooking and being in the kitchen so maybe he'll be a chef someday.

He is really good about sharing. He even tried to share his fries with an older lady that worked at the burger place on Saturday. He shares with everyone. However, he also expects you to share whatever you have that he wants. He really is a genius though because instead of screaming "I want!" or something most kids do, he just looks up at you with those big cow eyes and says, "Share?" If you don't share with him, you obviously are a bad person because everyone is supposed to share. A career in politics maybe? Public relations? He sure does know how to spin things already.

Like I mentioned earlier, Rex is a fantastic sleeper and even better is how he wakes up- happy and he will wait in bed for probably 2 hours, just patiently waiting, until you come and get him. No screaming, no crying. He just lays there and plays with his stuffed animals that are in his bed with him and talks. His brother does not wake up so quietly and happy so I realize now how good I have it with Rex.

One of Rex's favorite things to do now is say "Are you (fill in the blank)?" He means "Where are you?" but he leaves out the where. So, for example, when he is looking for his cup, he walks around saying, "Are you cup?" It's pretty cute. The cup must not think so though because it never answers.

He is so good with his brother. He loves to give him kisses and talk and sing to him. Rex is pretty gentle with Wyatt and I am so thankful for that. Wyatt just eats it all up. Sometimes he can get kind of cranky but as soon as Rex starts talking to him, he stops and is all smiles again.

For a kid who makes some of the biggest messes I've ever seen, he sure does like to be clean. He always wants to wash his hands if they are "dirtily" and even if they are not. If he spills something on the floor, he'll say "clean 'em up" and find a towel to clean it up with. He announces to the world "all clean" whenever any of us have just had a "va" (that means bath) or "sha sha" (shower). The kid just likes everything and everyone to be clean.

I keep modifying this post as I remember things so check back on this again in a day or two because it may still change again!


Nanette said...

He is such a doll, and I miss him so much! I wish he could teach Em to wait patiently in her bed when she wakes up.

Anonymous said...

Such a cutie that Rex is! My favorite is that he likes Giada! That's so funny! Any chance I'll see you and the boys this Christmas?


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