About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Best Birthday Ever

Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 34. I'm not thrilled to be moving from "early 30s" to "mid 30s" but oh well. The day started off kind of crappy when Wyatt woke up at 1:45 a.m. with a nightmare. He's had a few of them now and they are awful. He doesn't wake up and he just keeps crying and screaming and then finally he will wake up and stop. Then I have to settle him down and get him back to sleep. I feel so bad for the little guy when it happens. I do everything I can to help him but it's one of those things I can't really fix. So he finally got back to sleep a little after 3:00 a.m. and then was up and ready to go at 7:00. The morning was full of the usual household business like cleaning floors, changing diapers and doing dishes. The day really picked up though when Rob came home early from work. He took over Daddy duty and gave me my present. Technically he gave me a flyer with a bunch of different Macs on it but that was so I could go pick out the one I wanted. Yippee!!!!! My iMac was 6 years old and out of date. I went out to do a little investigating and then we all went out after naptime and Rob bought this for me-

Birthday Present

Hmm- I probably should have taken a picture of the actual computer and not the box because now it looks like I just got a big box. The new computer is so wonderful! It is big (27 inches!) and fast and has a webcam and the newer version of iPhoto works so much better and I'm sure I will find even more to love as I continue to get familiar with it. I already used google talk and skype to talk with my family and Nanette back in California. We had dinner (pizza was my choice) and I opened the rest of my gifts from my family. Lots of gift cards and it looks like I have a lot of shopping to do. Rob got me a little birthday cake too that we all shared. Rex, who sings "Birthday To You!" every time he sees a cake or box of cake mix, wouldn't sing to me but Rob did. Thanks honey. I didn't get a picture with the cake but here's one after pizza and before cake.

Birthday Dinner

Despite an awful start to the day, I think it turned out to be my best birthday ever.


Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday, Shelby! from Fresno Joe

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