About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Sunday, July 8, 2007

The All-American Week

The All-American Week started for us on Wednesday, July 4th with a trip to the city-wide free pancake breakfast. We got up early that morning and rode our bikes downtown to the breakfast. We were told to get there early and we were glad we did because it was busy! There was a parade after but we had to get back to the house to get some work done. We enjoyed the break though and the yummy pancakes :o)

On Friday, we tried out a new restaurant that is a little north of town and kind of in the middle of nowhere- one of the kinds of places we were wanting to try but having a hard time finding. It was exactly what we had been looking for! We both had the roast beef lunch with mashed potatoes, corn and gravy and it was soooo good. It is just like going over to grandma's house for dinner. I had the peach pie and Rob had the rhubarb and they were both great. The biggest compliment I can give them is to say that it didn't feel like we were eating out- it just tasted like a great, home-cooked meal. Definitely our new favorite place and where we will be taking anyone who comes to visit us.

We still needed a little more small-town America so we decided to drive over to the Gladbrook Corn Carnival.

We met some friends over there and enjoyed the sweet corn, a walking taco and the grand parade. I desperately wanted a funnel cake but I decided to hold off until the Iowa State Fair. After the big lunch and then snacks at the Carnival, eating a funnel cake too just didn't seem like a very good idea. We had a good time at the Corn Carnival and then enjoyed the gorgeous sunset on our way home.


Nanette said...

Sounds like a blast! :)

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