About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Please, Oh Please, Let It Be Plan B or C

Remember foggy day school schedules? If not, you probably didn't grow up in California's Central Valley like I did. During the winter, I would always pray for foggy day school schedules so I could sleep in an extra two hours. You wanted Plan B or C to come up- Plan A was basically "Yes, we know it's foggy but you kids better still get to school on time." Anyhow, we've had dense fog advisories here lately which make me chuckle. I am sure it is more foggy out in the country than it is here in town, but I still doubt it is anything like what Rob and I grew up with. If you can see the house across the street, or even the street itself, it's not that bad. The fog does do something pretty cool here though; it kind of freezes on all the trees and bushes and makes everything look beautiful. It looks like it has snowed on everything in the photos below but we haven't had any snow for a while. This is all from the fog and its moisture. When you look at it up close, it looks different than snow or ice. It is fuzzy and looks really cool.

It was such a nice weekend for us. The long weekend gave us the chance to get out of the house and head to Des Moines for a little shopping. I think we all needed a little road trip and to get out in the world. Rob and I each had Old Navy gift cards and both needed new jeans so we were on a mission. I had some luck but Rob did not. In fact, after going to two Old Navy stores and looking online, we still can't get the jeans he likes in the right color and size. They will have them again so we'll just hang on to the gift cards for now. We picked up a few other items at the Jordan Creek mall and had lunch at the food court. Sadly, we waited too long to get something to eat and by that point, I had no patience for waiting for my food. Somebody feed the pregnant lady now! We wore Rex out that day and had to head back home before we made it to all the places we wanted to go so we will have to go back soon.

I managed to sneak out yesterday for a few hours to run a few errands while Rex was napping. I really wanted to go to a scrapbooking store in the Des Moines area so I headed back that way for a little funtime mommy shopping. It was overwhelming. But I get a little crazy just going through the 4 or 5 aisles at the local arts and crafts store. First I wandered around the store and just looked at everything then I went around again to make my selections. They had a lot of items specific to Iowa and even central Iowa which was really cool. I picked up a lot of fun paper as well as some stickers and embellishment items. I was all excited to get some pages made during Rex's nap today but after my chores and blogging, I don't think there will be any time. Don't expect any posts tomorrow though because I will definitely be working on my scrapbooking then!


Anonymous said...

That's soooo pretty!!! I want to see more pics! Too bad it doesn't get pretty like that in Fresno when it's foggy. hmm...it's raining cats and dogs out here now. I took a rainy day and called off work so I wouldn't have to drive in it. :)


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