About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pretty as a Flower

This weekend we worked in the yard a bit more, doing our final yard clean-up for the year and finishing planting the rest of bulbs I purchased at Sam’s Club. I had already planted about 50 assorted fancy bulbs and I topped it off this weekend by planting 100 mixed-color tulip bulbs, 40 narcissus bulbs and another 10 hyacinth bulbs. If it turns out good, it should be amazing. If they start to bloom and then it snows again (like this past spring), it could be trouble. But I’m willing to gamble on it because I love all the spring bulbs! This should conclude my posts on yardwork until probably about March or April because it will be that long until we need to mow or do anything again because of the snow.

Speaking of snow, we still have not had any. Last year, they got the first bit of it on November 10th and it’s not uncommon to have some in October (so we’ve been told). This past weekend the highs were in the 60s which is a little unusual, but really awesome. Now the 10-day forecast is claiming a 60% chance of snow showers for next Wednesday and Thursday. It might be kind of fun to have a white Thanksgiving.

And speaking of Thanksgiving, Rob and I are hosting our own, just for ourselves, this year. We’re looking forward to cooking it all up in our own house and in our brand new kitchen. I bought quite a few of the things I would need for it yesterday. I learned a few years back that you don’t wait until a day or two before Thanksgiving and think you will find cream of mushroom soup, cool whip, green beans or crescent rolls. So I bought everything I could ahead of time but we’ll have to get some things a day or two before because you just have to. The one thing I’m not sure about what to do concerns the turkey. Two people don’t really need a whole turkey and the thought of preparing one for cooking grosses us both out. I was looking into just getting a turkey breast or two but they seemed so small and I know we’ll want some leftovers. My latest idea is to see if I can buy a whole turkey cooked or at least all cleaned up and tied up and ready to be stuck in the oven. I think that’s the best idea for us. I’ll be sure to post pictures that day and let you know how it all turns out.


Nanette said...

Ooooh, I'm excited to hear/see how your Thanksgiving turns out! I'm sure it'll be fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Rachel Ray cooked two boneless turkey breasts (they did have the skin on) and she cut each one into about eight good-sized slices. (In the For What It's Worth Dept.) I can't wait to see your Thanksgiving pictures!!! El Kabong

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