About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Friday, November 2, 2012

Date Night

When you live very far away from grandparents, aunts and uncles, and basically all your family, finding time to get away from the kids can be really challenging.  And even when you finally find a babysitter you like, it is expensive so you can't afford to be going out all the time and leaving the kids with a sitter.  So Rob and I really, really, really appreciate getting out and enjoy ourselves when we get a chance to have a date night like we did last night.

Someone offered us two tickets to a women's college basketball game.  The seats were outstanding and we've been before and have a good time so we were happy to have the tickets and see the girls play some hoops.

It was pretty fun to hear all the conversations amongst the coaching staff and hear what was going on during the time outs.  We may not get seats that are this great again, but we would definitely go again.  I'm also hoping we can make it to a men's basketball game this year too because I love the college basketball.

We also went out to dinner first at a new restaurant in town and were simultaneously impressed and not impressed.  Some of the food was great and some of it was not so much.  And anyone who knows me, knows that I HATE eggs.  Loathe, despise, gag-at-the-sight-of, can't-even-stand-the-smell-of those nasty chicken placentas.  I rejoined Weight Watchers just yesterday morning and had to have a salad for dinner.  Every single salad at that place comes with eggs on it.  I made it clear (without being a jerk) that I really hate eggs and please make sure none are on my grilled chicken salad (the "Which Came First?" salad).  My salad also had a little jack cheese (white) on it so it made it hard to tell if there were eggs in my salad or it was just some of the cheese.  Of course, I ended up eating a little piece of egg and then finding more in there.  I don't think anyone put it in there, I think some probably just snuck over into another container where they put the salads together.  It was so disgusting.  So my dinner was over at that point.  I drowned any remaining egg taste with ice cream at the basketball game- ice cream 1, Shelby's willpower 0.  To wrap up this long story about the dinner, I would go back but I would never, ever order a salad from there again.  Which is a bummer because what I did have of the salad was really good.

Despite the problems with dinner, we both had a great time just spending time with each other and having a little peace and quiet for a few hours.  Can't wait for the next date night- hopefully to see Skyfall or the last of the Twilight movies!


Nanette said...

Yay for date night! Boo for eggs!

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