About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Art Studio Is Now Open

So I've already missed a day.  Oops.  That didn't take long.  I was even going to blog this morning and this evening to make up for it but that didn't happen either.  It seems it is always busy around here and sometimes it is just hard to find that 20-30 minutes to myself for blogging.  And sometimes when I can find the time, blogging isn't on my list of things I want to do with those precious few quiet moments.  But I'm back on track now and will try to finish up this NaBloPoMo without any more misses- but don't be surprised if I fall off the wagon again!

Yesterday we spent some time setting up an arts and crafts area in our basement, in the kids' play area.  I've been wanting to do this for some time but I had to take down the tent in order to do it.  The boys love to play with the tent and we will still use it, we just can't have it set up all the time now.  Rob started building a table for them to use then realized it would probably be a lot easier to just use a folding table we already had.  We also had 4 IKEA chairs, 2 of which Wyatt had already colored on, so we didn't need to spend any money on that either.  My favorite part is the light fixture above the table.  I got the clamp/shade part at a yard sale and we just had to get a light socket piece from Ace to make it into a pendant light.

Basement Arts and Crafts Area

We have two bulletin boards to hang on the wall above the table and I bought an oil drip pan from Wal-Mart to use with magnets (inspired by this pin- and yes, it did only cost $12 and it is huge) that will also have to be hung somewhere.  The set-up didn't cost us much but I have spent some money on supplies.  We had an okay stash of art and craft supplies but now we are getting to look like a mini-Michaels.  With all the new and old supplies, it was time to get it all organized.  I cleared out a shelf in their toy closet and designated that space for art supplies only.

Basement Closet

With that shelf so nicely organized, now it makes me want to clean up the others!  Another day, I suppose.  Rex is really loving the new space and couldn't wait to use the new stuff.  Glue stick? Check.  Feather? Check.  Wood sticks? Check.  Markers and paper?  Check.  And that is how a 4 year old comes up with this.

Rex's Freeform Art Project

Not real sure what is going on there other than an overload of new things and the burning desire to use it all.  That took place in the afternoon and so after dinner we tried again and had a little more success with our turkey project.

Rex's Thanksgiving Chicken

And today they both colored, play-dohed, and I was even brave enough with Rex to try a little painting while Wyatt was taking his nap.

Boys Playing with Playdoh

It is so nice to have a designated area to do this kind of stuff in and have all the supplies lined up and ready to go.  Yay for basements!!


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