About 2054 Miles

In February 2007, my husband and I packed up all our belongings, drove 2054 miles and moved from California to Iowa. This blog is about my and my husband's adventures, which mainly now feature our two boys- 5 year old Rex and 3 year old Wyatt.

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I have a wonderful husband and two awesome little boys. I love being able to stay home with them and am always trying to do something to our house.
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Donate Blood

Donate Blood

Friday, November 16, 2012

Where were you before, Monroe Bisque?

When we first moved into our house 5 1/2 years ago, everything had to be repainted.  The living room was peach, some of the bedrooms were pink and yellow and everything just needed a freshening up.  It also seemed like a good idea to keep the colors consistent in the house.  So everything besides the bathrooms is either Churchill Hotel Vanilla (love it) or  Homestead Resort Parlor Taupe (not a fan).  Here is the taupe living room right after it was painted.

Homestead Resort Parlor Taupe

I kept hoping I would like it but I have just never warmed up to it.  I was so scared of picking a tan that had too much pink or peach in it that I ended up with one that was basically gray.  And now I know that "taupe" is the codeword for "gray".  Lesson learned.  And it is all my fault; I picked it so I hate to ask Rob if we could repaint it.   So last May, while Rob was in California for a little racing mini-vacation, I thought I would attempt to paint our living room and dining room and the two adjacent hallways myself.  It would be a nice surprise and I didn't figure I would be sleeping much at night without Rob home and I would have time then to paint.  This is how much I got done.

So long Monroe Bisque

I got my little tester spot on the wall and verified that I loved the new color.  It is perfect.  It has more of a yellow-y undertone that looks a thousand times better with our trim. Where were you before, Monroe Bisque?   After I got the boys to bed the first night, I realized what a large space this was that I was attempting to paint all by myself.  I also realized how tired I was after looking after the boys by myself all day.  Uh oh.  I knew where this was headed- there was no way I was getting any of that painting done.  New Plan- Rob will paint when he gets back to thank me for looking after the boys for several days while he went to California and raced with his buddies.  Rob apparently wasn't on board with that plan because that wall has looked like that for the last 6 months.  Now that it is getting cold, I know for sure that the painting won't get done for another few months until it is warm outside again.  Rob took the old paint to the hardware store and got it mixed up really well and today I covered over my sample.


I was so resistant to painting over it because it feels like I am losing ground in my quest to get that room repainted.  Eventually though the big splotch on the wall was just too much to handle and it needed to get covered up.  I will just have to be extra nice to Rob over the winter and make sure that when the temperatures go up, my Monroe Bisque paint makes its way out of the basement and onto the walls.


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